Installation Instructions M9106AGx-2N0x
Issue Date June 3, 2014
M9106-AGx-2N0x Series Electric
Non-Spring Return Actuators
Use this M9106-AGx-2N0x Series
Actuator only to control equipment
under normal operating conditions.
Where failure or malfunction of the
actuators could lead to personal
injury or property damage to the
controlled equipment or other
property, additional precautions must
be designed into the control system.
Incorporate and maintain other
devices, such as supervisory or alarm
systems or safety or limit controls,
intended to warn of or protect against
failure or malfunction of the
Utiliser ce M9106-AGx-2N0x Series
Actuator uniquement pour
commander des équipements dans
des conditions normales de
fonctionnement. Lorsqu'une
défaillance ou un dysfonctionnement
du actuators risque de provoquer des
blessures ou d'endommager
l'équipement contrôlé ou un autre
équipement, la conception du
système de contrôle doit intégrer des
dispositifs de protection
supplémentaires. Veiller dans ce cas
à intégrer de façon permanente
d'autres dispositifs, tels que des
systèmes de supervision ou d'alarme,
ou des dispositifs de sécurité ou de
limitation, ayant une fonction
d'avertissement ou de protection en
cas de défaillance ou de
dysfonctionnement du actuators.
The actuator may be mounted in any convenient
orientation. When installing the DPT-2015 Differential
Pressure Transmitter on the actuator, mount it so the
tubing connecting the flow pick-up device to the
DPT-2015 creates a moisture trap. This will prevent
condensation from entering the sensor.
No extra mounting brackets, linkage, or couplers are
required for standard mounting, but wiring terminals
must be accessible and protected from moisture and
corrosive fumes.
Parts Included
M9106-AGx-2N0x Actuator
CBL-2000-1 Wiring Harness and DPT-2015-0
Differential Pressure Transmitter (included with the
No. 10 self-drilling sheet metal screw
Special Tools Needed
5/16 in. (8 mm) square socket
3/8 in. (10 mm) 12-point socket
drill with a 5/16 in. hex nut driver
digital voltmeter (for troubleshooting the
To mount the actuator to a damper:
1. Position the actuator on the damper shaft so the
damper shaft protrudes through the actuator
coupler as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Mounting on the Damper Shaft
2. Make sure the actuator is in the desired mounting
position, parallel to the mounting surface as shown
in Figure 2.
© 2014 Johnson Controls, Inc.
Part No. 34-636-1077, Rev. B