LX Series Unit Ventilator Controller User's Guide
Frost Protection
Select the Frost Protection box to have the heat turned ON at a space temperature
of 43°F (6°C) and turned off at 46°F (8°C). The heat can turn ON independently of
the temperature control. For example, the heat turns ON when nviApplicMode is
set to HVAC_OFF.
The heat turns ON in the order determined by the heating order.
Humidity Control
You can control Humidity many ways in the Unit Ventilation Controller; with a
cooling coil, a humidifier or a dehumidifier. Table 23 describes the Humidity
Table 22: Options Configuration
Maximum Start Time
Set the maximum length of time before the start of occupancy
mode that the Unit Ventilation Controller can start to heat or cool
the space.
Enable Optimum Start for
Allow the Unit Ventilation Controller to heat the space so that the
space temperature is within the occupied setpoints when the
occupied period begins.
Enable Optimum Start for
Allow the Unit Ventilation Controller to cool the space so that the
space temperature is within the occupied setpoints when the
occupied period begins.
Use Maximum Start Time if
No Statistics
Allow the Unit Ventilation Controller to use the maximum start
time as the length of time needed to heat or cool the space
before occupancy. Once Optimum Start statistics have been
recorded, the LX-UVL Controller uses Optimum Start time
periods calculated from the statistics. The Maximum Start Time is
only used to limit the length of the Optimum Start Time.
Bit 58 of the UCPTobject Options when set enables this option.
If this box is not selected, the Unit Ventilation Controller begins to
heat or cool the space at the beginning of the occupied period.
After the first start, it heats or cools the space at the recorded
Optimum Start time. After the second start, it heats or cools the
space at the calculated Optimum Start time.
Table 23: Humidity Control
Enter the space humidity setpoint in percent.
Minimum ON/OFF Time
Enter the period of time that must pass before the humidifier or
dehumidifier can turn ON after turning OFF, or turn OFF after
turning ON.
Humidifier/Dehumidifier ON/OFF time does not apply to
modulated humidifier and dehumidifier outputs.
Enable Dehumidifying Cycle
Enables the dehumidifier using the cooling coil.
Disable in Heating Mode
Disables the dehumidifier using the cooling coil in heating