See the following table for expansion module accessories ordering information.
Table 9: Accessories ordering information
Product code number
Transformer, 120 VAC Primary to 24 VAC secondary, 20 VA, Wall Plug
Transformer, 120/208/240 VAC Primary to 24 VAC Secondary, 40 VA, Foot Mount, 8 in.
Primary Leads and Secondary Screw Terminals, Class 2
Additional Y6x-x Series transformers are also available. Refer to the
Series Y63,
Y64, Y65, Y66, and Y69 Transformers Product Bulletin (LIT-125755)
for more information.
Power transformer (Class 2, 24 VAC, 50 VA maximum output), no enclosure
Replacement SA/FC Bus Terminal Blocks, 4-Position, Gray, Bulk Pack of 10
This is the standard terminal block that is provided with the expansion module.
Replacement SA Bus Terminal Blocks, 4-Position, Brown, Bulk Pack of 10
These terminal blocks can be used as replacement parts if keeping consistent
terminal block colors is important.
Replacement FC Bus Terminal Blocks, 4-Position, Blue, Bulk Pack of 10
These terminal blocks can be used as replacement parts if keeping consistent
terminal block colors is important.
Replacement Power Terminal Blocks, 3-Position, Gray, Bulk Pack of 10
WNC1800/ZFR182x Pro Wireless field
Bus System
This system is used for installations that support BACnet/IP but can also coexist with the
ZFR1800 Series when installed under the same supervisor (i.e., network engine). Refer to the
WNC1800/ZFR182x Pro Series Wireless Field Bus System Product Bulletin (LIT-12012320)
for a list
of available products.
ZFR1800 Series Wireless Field Bus
This system is used for installations that only support BACnet MS/TP. Refer to the
Series Wireless Field Bus System Product Bulletin (LIT-12011336)
for a list of available products.
NS Series Network Sensors
Refer to the
NS Series Network Sensors Product Bulletin (LIT-12011574)
for specific sensor
model descriptions.
WRZ Series Wireless Room Sensors
Refer to the
WRZ Series Wireless Room Sensors Product Bulletin (LIT-12000653)
for specific
sensor model descriptions.
Mobile Access Portal (MAP) Gateway
Refer to the
Mobile Access Portal Gateway Catalog Page (LIT-1900869)
to identify the
appropriate product for your region.
IOM2721 Input/Output Module Installation Guide