Johnson Controls Unitary Products
View / Mode
The View Mode for the Master Touch Screen and all Touch Screen Sensors is specified at the Mas-
ter Touch Screen. The Sleep Screen can be specified for each Touch Screen Sensor.
Temperature Format
Temperature format (Fahrenheit or Celsius) is specified at the Master Touch Screen but applies to
all Touch Screen Sensors and Zone Displays.
The View Mode for the Master Touch Screen and all Touch Screen Sensors is specified at the Mas-
ter Touch Screen.
If the zoning system is equipped with power open / power closed dampers, the Master Touch
Screen may under certain conditions redirect airflow to zones that are not calling for conditioning
(heating or cooling or continuous fan) to balance the airflow in the system. The Master Touch
Screen manages the airflow adjustments so that comfort is maintained in all zones.
Under some conditions, the Master Touch Screen may temporarily direct conditioned air to zones
that are not calling for conditioning or continuous fan operation. This is normal operation.