MNP141GBV00 Date: 2011/04/29 Rev. 0 PAGE 20 OF 24
? In case of fault in the
product detector, check
whether the product
detection LED indicator
product is always on. If it is,
you may have dirt in the
slots that the elevator has
to allow the infrared beam
through. Otherwise, place
an object inside the
elevator and check whether
the product detection LED
indicator turns on. If it does
not, there may be a faulty
transmitter or receiver card
or an incorrect card power
supply due to a defect in
the wiring.
? If no motor is connected,
check tray connections.
? No sales from a channel
with product.
? Problems with the inside
door opening switch.
? Check that the inside
door opening switch works
properly, as otherwise, the
out of product marks will
not be erased.
? Internal temperature is
not correctly regulated.
? Problems with the
electronic thermometer or
? Problems with the
cooling unit.
? Check the MASTER
machine screen for the
relevant programming
option for the internal
temperature value to see
whether the thermometer
reading is correct. If not,
check the wiring. If there is
something with the wiring,
fix it or replace it and if it is
OK, replace the electronic
? Contact our technical
support service.