Jigsaw provide the solution piece by piece
Feel the Future of Heating. Step out of the Shade and into the Sun
Saving Energy
Infrared heating is different to convection heaters. Infrared
can feel warmer at lower temperatures. It is advisable
to heat a room to around 19º to determine if this is
comfortable before raising the temperature. This is best for
high use rooms such as living rooms and kitchens.
Keeping these rooms at an average will ensure that the
heater will be used to “top-up” the heating when they are
required to do so.
Only heating the rooms you are using is another positive
way of saving energy and therefore money on your bills.
Setting these unused rooms at a base rate of 14/15º will
allow the room to stay warm until they are required to be
boosted to 19º. This is perfect for bedrooms, offices and
spare rooms.
Sizing the Heaters
Always follow the guidelines on our website for measuring
the heat loss of your home. A heater that is too small will
not heat the room efficiently. There is a potential to shorten
the life of the heater and have runaway heating costs.
Speak to an expert if you are unsure.
Control Units
Thought it might seem as costly to have multiple
thermostats installed per home. It will save energy and
money in the long term.
Carbon Neutral
Combining our heaters with solar panels or renewable
energy sources could reduce your energy bills and carbon
footprint further.
Installer Name:
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Installation Date:
Equipment Installed:
Electrician Signature:
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