Use this item to enable or disable SHA-1 PCR Bank.
The optional settings: [Disabled]; [Enabled].
SHA256 PCR Bank
Use this item to enable or disable SHA256 PCR Bank.
The optional settings: [Disabled]; [Enabled].
TPM2.0 UEFI Spec Version
Use this item to select the TCG2 spec. version supported.
The optional settings: [1.0]; [1.x].
[1.0]: compatible mode for Win8/Win10.
[1.x]: for TCG2 newer spec. compatible mode for Win10.
ACPI Settings
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following sub-item:
ACPI Settings
ACPI Sleep State
Use this item to select the highest ACPI sleep state the system will enter when the
suspend button is pressed.
The optional settings are: [Suspend Disabled]; [S3 (Suspend to RAM)].
Super I/O Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following sub-items:
Super IO Configuration
Serial Port 1 Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following items:
Serial Port 1 Configuration
Serial Port
Use this item to enable or disable serial port (COM).
Change Settings
Use this item to select an optimal setting for super IO device.
The optional settings are: [Auto]; [IO=3F8h; IRQ=4]; [IO=2F8h; IRQ=3]; [IO=3E8h;
IRQ=4]; [IO=2E8h; IRQ=3].