Aperture Size
The optional settings are: [128MB]; [256MB]; [512MB]; [1024MB].
DVMT Pre-Allocated
Use this item to select DVMT 5.0 pre-allocated (fixed) graphics memory size used
by the internal graphics device.
The optional settings are: [32M]; [64M]; [96M]; [128M]; [160M]; [192M]; [224M];
[256M]; [288M]; [320M]; [352M]; [384M]; [416M]; [448M]; [480M]; [512M];
[1024MB]; [1538MB]; [2048MB]; [4M]; [8M]; [12M]; [16M]; [20M]; [24M]; [28M];
[32M/F7]; [36M]; [40M]; [44M]; [48M]; [52M]; [56M]; [60M].
DVMT Total Gfx Mem
Use this item to select DVMT 5.0 total graphics memory size used by the internal
graphics device.
The optional settings are: [128M]; [256M]; [MAX].
Memory Configuration
Press [Enter] to view current memory configuration.
PCH-IO Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following sub-items:
eMMC Controller
Use this item to enable or disable eMMC controller.
The optional settings are: [Disabled]; [Enabled].
USB Controller
Use this item to enable or disable this USB physical connector (physical port).
Once disabled, any USB devices plugged into this connector will not be detected
by BIOS or OS.
The optional settings are: [Disabled]; [Enabled].
Onboard Lan1 Controller
Use this item to enable or disable Lan1 onboard NIC.
The optional settings are: [Enabled]; [Disabled].
When ‘
Onboard Lan1 Controller
’ set as [Enabled], the following sub-items shall