[256M]; [288M]; [320M]; [352M]; [384M]; [416M]; [448M]; [480M]; [512M]; [1024M];
[1536M]; [2048M]; [4M]; [8M]; [12M]; [16M]; [20M]; [24M]; [28M]; [32M/F7];
[36M]; [40M]; [44M]; [48M]; [52M]; [56M]; [60M].
DVMT Total Gfx Mem
Use this item to select DVMT 5.0 total graphics memory size used by the internal
graphics device.
The optional settings are: [128M]; [256M]; [MAX].
Primary IGFX Boot Display
Use this item to select Video Device which will be activated during POST. This has
no effect if external graphics present. Secondary boot display selection will appear
based on selection. BGA modes will be supported only on primary display.
The optional settings are: [VBIOS Default]; [HDMI]; [DP1]; [DP2]; [LVDS].
* Note: When set as [HDMI], [DP1], [eDP2] or [LVDS], user can make further
settings in
Second IGFX Boot Display
Second IGFX Boot Display
Use this item to select second IGFX boot device..
The optional settings are: [Disabled]; [HDMI]; [DP1]; [DP2].
Active LVDS
Use this item to select Active LFP Configuration. [No LVDS]: VBIOS does not
enable LVDS. [Int-LVDS]: VBIOS enables LVDS driver by Integrated encoder.
[SDVO LVDS]: VBIOS enables LVDS driver by SDVO encoder. [eDP Port-A]: LFP
Driven by Int-DisplayPort encoder from Port-A.
The optional settings are: [Disabled]; [Enabled].
When set as [Enabled], the following sub-items shall appear:
Backlight Control
Use this item to select Back Light Control setting.
The optional settings are: [PWM inverted]; [PWM Normal].
Panel Type
Use this item to select Panel Type.
The optional settings are: [800x480 18bit Single]; [800x600 18bit Single];
[800x600 24bit Single]; [1024x600 18bit Single]; [1024x768 18bit Single];
[1024x768 24bit Single]; [1280x768 24bit Single]; [1280x800 18bit Single];
[1280x800 24bit Single]; [1366x768 18bit Single]; [1366x768 24bit Single];