Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
BiTurbo Configurations
Item Help
Bi-Turbo Technology Mode Disabled
Bi-Turbo Activated Threshold 60%(CPU Usage)
Bi-Turbo Activated Time 0.50s Later
Bi-Turbo CPU Clock Setting 202MHz
CPU Thermal-Throttling Disabled
CPU Thermal-Throttling Temp 70
CPU Thermal-Throttling Duty 50.00%
CPU Thermal-Throttling Beep Enabled
Menu Level >
Move Enter:/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Optimized Defaults F7:Standard Defaults
Bi-Turbo Activated Threshold
This item allows you select to activate the Bi-Turbo function at 60%, 80%, or 100% CPU
Suggest setting 60% to assure the optimized system performance and reliability.
Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
BiTurbo Configurations
Item Help
Bi-Turbo Technology Mode Disabled
Bi-Turbo Activated Threshold 60%(CPU Usage)
Bi-Turbo Activated Time 0.50s Later
Bi-Turbo CPU Clock Setting 202MHz
CPU Thermal-Throttling Disabled
CPU Thermal-Throttling Temp 70
CPU Thermal-Throttling Duty 50.00%
CPU Thermal-Throttling Beep Enabled
Menu Level >
Move Enter:/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Optimized Defaults F7:Standard Defaults
Bi-Turbo Activated Time
This item allows you to select when to activate the Bi-Turbo function after the BIOS detects the
preset percentage of CPU usage. The settings are: Immediately, 0.50s Later, 1.00s Later, 2.00s
Later, 4.00s Later, or 8.00s Later
Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
BiTurbo Configurations
Item Help
Bi-Turbo Technology Mode Disabled
Bi-Turbo Activated Threshold 60%(CPU Usage)
Bi-Turbo Activated Time 0.50s Later
Bi-Turbo CPU Clock Setting 202MHz
CPU Thermal-Throttling Disabled
CPU Thermal-Throttling Temp 70
CPU Thermal-Throttling Duty 50.00%
CPU Thermal-Throttling Beep Enabled
Menu Level >
Move Enter:/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5:Previous Values F6:Optimized Defaults F7:Standard Defaults
Bi-Turbo CPU Clock Setting
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:Move ENTER:Accept ESC:Abort
Bi-Turbo Activated Threshold
60%(CPU Usage)
[ ]
80%(CPU Usage)
[ ]
100%(CPU Usage)
[ ]
:Move ENTER:Accept ESC:Abort
Bi-Turbo Activate Time
[ ]
0.50s Later
[ ]
1.00s Later
[ ]
2.00s Later
[ ]
4.00s Later
[ ]
8.00s Later
[ ]
:Move ENTER:Accept ESC:Abort