Jetter AG
Control of alphanumeric HMIs | 3
Application-oriented manual – Control of alphanumeric HMIs (LCD) and printers
MR 2840
Control character for deleting a text string up to the end of a line
This module register contains the ASCII code of the control character deleting a
text string up to the end of a line.
0 ... 255
Value after reset
36 ('$')
Takes effect
Upon the next execution of the STX ‘DisplayText()’ or
‘DisplayText2()’ command
Tab. 16: Control character for deleting a text string up to the end of a line
3.6 Displaying numerical values
STX command
To display numerical values, use the following STX command:
Screen settings
The format of numerical values can be adjusted to individual needs. To do so,
use the following parameters:
Display field length
Number of decimal places
With or without sign place
Displaying values in decimal or hexadecimal notation
Displaying numerical
When displaying numerical values, the following formatting applies:
The numerical value is displayed right-aligned.
The first character to appear in the display field is the sign unless writing the
sign character was disabled beforehand.
Positive numericals are prefixed by a space character as sign. Negative nu-
mericals are prefixed by minus ‘-’.
If the display field is too small, the leftmost digits are truncated.
The value is rounded to the set decimal places.