BarDIMM Box Quick Install Guide – Intelligent Barcode Printing System
©2004-2006 Jetmobile
Page 7
This screen allows visualizing and saving the log file detailing the internal activity of the
BarDIMM Box. You may use it to verify network activities and configuration. Access to
this information/file might also be requested should you need technical assistance on
BarDIMM Box.
This screen allows to reset the BarDIMM Box to the factory settings, the way it was when
you received it. The password will be reset and will need to be redefined at the first login,
and the configuration is deleted.
This screen restarts the BarDIMM Box. The reboot rakes approximately 2 minutes.
This option closes the web session with the BarDIMM Box
2 - Testing the BarDIMM Box
You can test the BarDIMM box by sending it a BarDIMM test file. This can easily be
done using the JetSpool utility. BarDIMM test files and JetSpool utility are available
on the drivers section of the Jetmobile web site .
You can manually send a BarDIMM test file to a BarDIMM box using the following
commande line:
lpr –S <IP Address> –P raw <filename>
<IP Address>
is the IP address of the BarDIMM Box
is the name of the test file to send
If a MEMORY OVERFLOW error message appears on the printer front panel (or if error
LEDs blink on some printers), or if text replaces the barcodes, the BarDIMM Box is not
working properly.
If case of technical problem, please contact directly your BarDIMM Box reseller and
provide the Log file information to ease troubleshooting.