PN 115.04.7706 - INSTRUCTION MANUAL OF GPU JET-POWER DIESEL 90kVA - 115VAC, 400Hz / 28VDC, 2500A - PN 115.09.7701.
GPU JET-POWER DIESEL 90kVA – 115VAC, 400Hz / 28VDC, 2500A – PN 115.09.7090 19/40
If the speed (frequency) is right and the output voltage is wrong, failing to regulate it
in the panel shall be made as internal adjustment:
Place the tension adjustment on the panel in its central position. Open the panel cover
and the voltage regulator (bottom right) adjust the trimpot "Vad" to indicate 115VAC
(or 29,3VDC with 28VDC output on). This board is a square, resinous, which is in
the panel box of background, bottom right. The adjustment trimpot is the top right.
Protection for under- or overvoltage only acts linked with the aircraft, disrupting the
power supply without turning off the motor or alternator. If the voltage adjusted
within acceptable limits the supply is restored.
Open the panel cover, remove the two screws that hold the panel and open it.
Basically, the lower right corner is located a plate with black box, the digital loop
speed control. The frequency (1847rpm) is set in the regulator and is related to the
number of teeth on the rack (125 Iveco, 127 Cummins). If the speed (frequency) are
adjusted properly and are not sure you need to check the mechanical part. To view
or adjust do with the GPU running with the connected generator. If you can not adjust
the rotation may be defective indication of the diesel engine, or dirty filters, which
are the engine does not reach the required speed (1847RPM). The "IDLE" is set at
900 revolutions per minute. Do not set in rotation below that necessary for the 12V
alternator still charge the battery. The battery charge light must be off at idle. The
lever of the injection pump throttle must be locked in their position of maximum
acceleration, to get correct automatic control.
With a good digital instrument that measures voltage and current at 400Hz measure
the digital instrument is very easy:
Open the outer cover of the instrument out, forcing it out, below, with a small
screwdriver. Make the measurement with your instrument and adjust the trimpot to
the front to indicate the same. For the frequency is better compared to another digital
instrument (multimeter). The best place to connect the test leads are in plug's. To
have tension you need to be connected. The 28V just call the green buttonhole. The
115V is the only force 115V output switch up, which will stress the 115V plug.