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Bringing Gage Into Service
ALWAYS follow the recommended bolting pattern and torque values when
reassembling a gage after repair (see Maintenance for more details)
New gaskets often become permanently compressed after a short time, especially in
hot service (see Hot Torque of Glass Gage for more details)
Valve Opening Procedure
1. Partially open top (gas side) valve 1/4 - 1/2 turn.
2. Slowly open bottom (liquid side) valve 1/4 - 1/2 turn.
3. The gage level should rise to equalize with the tank level. Wait for the gage level to
stop rising before proceeding.
4. Fully open the top and bottom valves.
for a video
demonstration of the proper procedure for commissioning a glass level gage equipped with
ballcheck valves. (Or visit
Failure to properly open ball check valves could result in the seating
of the ball checks, thereby blocking the flow of fluid into the gage and causing an
incorrect gage level reading.
Partially open valves may prevent the ball checks from seating
during a gage failure, potentially resulting in physical injury to personnel and
loss of process fluid.