All warnings will be marked in ORANGE boxes. Failure to
follow these warnings could lead to damage to the unit and
or personal property.
All danger messages are marked in RED boxes. Failure to
adhere to these messages could result in personal injury or
injury to others.
Through out the use of this manual, certain areas require special attention for
the safety of the service personal. Please take note of the following
notifications and be certain to read the information contained within. Failure to
follow the given information could lead to personal injury or property damage.
Follow all instructions contained within this manual and do not make any
modifications to the game without first contacting Jennison Entertainment
Attention boxes are in BLUE. These messages are provided
in cases where service personal must follow directions
provided by J.E.T.
Notices are given in GREEN boxes. These messages are
provided for the operator's convenience.
Caution messages are marked in YELLOW boxes. Failure to
follow these caution messages could result in damaging the
Jennison Entertainment Technologies
Rockin Rollin Service Manual V-1.8
Page 3