Adjusting the toe plate
If the toe plate rubs the floor covering, the toe plate
clearance may be changed as follows:
1. Mark on each side of the toe plate the amount of toe
plate that rubs the floor covering.
2. Remove the drawer from the unit. (See step 3, in the
“Unpacking your compactor” section.)
3. Use a ruler and a pencil or chalk to draw a line
between the marks on each side of toe plate.
4. Use scissors or utility knife to cut toe plate along line.
5. Replace drawer. If toe plate still rubs floor covering,
repeat steps 1-4.
Air freshener
The solid air freshener system is designed to help control
odors that might develop in the trash. An air freshener
disc can be purchased in department stores (not sold
with compactor). Place the disc-shaped solid air freshen-
er into the compartment as shown below. The air freshen-
er disc should last approximately 4 to 6 weeks. It is used
more rapidly when the temperature is high or the air is
very dry. Replacement discs are available in department
stores or supermarkets.
Changing the standard panel
The Jenn-Air compactor comes equipped with one
reversible front panel painted Black/White.
To change the color of your compactor’s front panel,
follow the directions below. All you need is a medium-
sized screwdriver.
1. Slide drawer out.
2. Remove two screws shown.
3. Remove handle.
4. Remove one cardboard spacer.
6. Replace panel at front with desired color showing.
7. Make sure panels are all the way down.
10. Slide drawer back in.
outside front
8. Be sure to replace cardboard spacer in its former
5. Remove the color panel. Be careful; edges may
be sharp.
9. Replace handle and screws.