JEM Radio II
Operation Guide
Headset Use
The radio has been designed so that headsets can be used directly with the radio without the use
of external boxes that contain amplifiers/mixers and volume controls.
The radio has independent volume control of the "fixed" level audio outputs on the 6 and 12 pin
connectors on the deck and 6 pin connector on the head when it's installed separate from the
deck. These outputs can drive headset speakers directly (8 ohms) without the requirement for an
external amplifier. Any microphone input (other than the panel mic) can be mixed into any audio
output so the user can control how much of his own voice (side tone) he hears relative to the
other audio sources which could be another user, audio from the radio or audio from the IP
IP Network Use
The network interface allows the following functions, firmware updates, text messages to the
display, getting unit ID from the locomotive network and sending/receiving audio data.
Virtual Control Head
A command can be sent to the radio that will cause it to send all the data that gets sent to the
display to also get sent out the PC port serial port or the Ethernet port. This makes it possible to
write a software application that can display the data as well as send button press commands to
the radio essentially making it a software equivalent of the control head.