If you purchased the Deluxe verison of the Jelly Cylinder Nano, then your kit
included an artemia hatching dish, it is used to hatch out live brine shrimp
eggs. This is a very simple tool that requires very little effort to provide your
jellyfish with live baby brine shrimp. The hatcher can be purchased seper-
ately on our website as well.
To hatch your brine shrimp you will need:
Artemia Hatching Dish
Measuring Spoon
Brine Shrimp Sieve
Bag of Brine Shrimp Eggs
Easy to do Instructions!
1. Usesaltwater to fill up to the “water level” mark. This is the ring that
is located on the inside edge of the dish. Ensure that the water level is
above the black walls, and below the top of the white rings.
2. Set the white divider disk into the middle and insert the sieve into the
center opening.
3. Place the hatcher in the location it will stay. Then sprinkle 1-3 spoonfuls
evenly around the outer circle and close the lid. (Do not move the hatch-
er once eggs are added)
Keep the lid in the “closed” position to avoid unwanted light
At normal room temperature, the brine shrimp will hatch after 36/48 hours.
The brine shrimp will be attracted to the middle of the dish towards the
sieve (screen scoop) and are easily taken out.
Rinse freshly hatched brine under some distilled, reverse osmosis or fresh
salt water to ensure that your brine are clean when adding to the tank. The
hatching water can become dirty after a few days.
The artemia dish should be set up on a weekly basis, and brine will hatch
for a period of about 4-5 days. Artemia in the dish can foul after a week, so
it is best to clean out the dish each week.
Live Brine shrimp can be kept alive in a safe container in a fridge for about
2 days. The best way to preserve your hatched brine is to use silicone ice
cube trays and freeze them for later use. Each cube will be one serving of
jellyfish food for one day of feeding. Be sure to rinse your brine shrimp and
do not freeze them in the hatch water.