7. installation of the door-lining onto the car doors
7.1. put the door-lining into the upper sealing of the car door
7.2. fit it in contrary order of succession as described on page no. 3
7.3. cut out the moisture protection foil (u-form) and stabilize the lateral cutting
edges in order to avoid vibration noise ( e.g. use a packing tape)
1.1. place the door-lining backside up on a plane surface
1.2. align the adapter plate with speakers instead of the factory installed speaker unit
1.3. mark the outlines of the adapter plate and remove the plate again
fitting of adapter plate 75075 – model up to ‘96:
1. sand the outline marked (adhesive property will be better then)
2. put hot melt adhesive on the outlines.
3. fit in the adapter plate exactly and hold it fast to the door-lining until
the adhesive hardens
fitting of adapter plate 76075 – model from ‘96:
1. sand the outline marked (adhesive property will be better)
2. original screwed joint within the outline marking is used to install the
adapter plate:
• detach original screwed joint
• install adapter plate exactly and tighten the screws
3. put holt melt adhesive on the rest of the plate edge.
4. connect subwoofer and midrange with speaker cable (1,5-4mm
) and lead cable
to the mount of the crossover circuit.
Length of cable: up to crossover- mount underneath the dashboard
rubber surround of subwoofer touches the expanding rivets of the speaker grills.
But this does not affect the sound (no vibration noise).
mark the oulines of
the adapter plate on
the door-lining
Abb.: 75075-up to’96
Abb.: 76075-ab Bj.96
mark the oulines of
the adapter plate on
the door-lining
use original screwed
joint within the outline
marking for fitting
4. installation of adapter plate onto the door-lining
75075/76075 - SL Cabrio
- 9 -
75075/76075 - SL Cabrio
- 6 -
==>> prod.code.
(models to ‘96) installation of adapterplate
7. installation of the door-lining onto the car doors
7.1. put the door-lining into the upper sealing of the car door
7.2. fit it in contrary order of succession as described on page no. 3
7.3. cut out the moisture protection foil (u-form) and stabilize the lateral cutting
edges in order to avoid vibration noise ( e.g. use a packing tape)
1.1. place the door-lining backside up on a plane surface
1.2. align the adapter plate with speakers instead of the factory installed speaker unit
1.3. mark the outlines of the adapter plate and remove the plate again
fitting of adapter plate 75075 – model up to ‘96:
1. sand the outline marked (adhesive property will be better then)
2. put hot melt adhesive on the outlines.
3. fit in the adapter plate exactly and hold it fast to the door-lining until
the adhesive hardens
fitting of adapter plate 76075 – model from ‘96:
1. sand the outline marked (adhesive property will be better)
2. original screwed joint within the outline marking is used to install the
adapter plate:
• detach original screwed joint
• install adapter plate exactly and tighten the screws
3. put holt melt adhesive on the rest of the plate edge.
4. connect subwoofer and midrange with speaker cable (1,5-4mm
) and lead cable
to the mount of the crossover circuit.
Length of cable: up to crossover- mount underneath the dashboard
rubber surround of subwoofer touches the expanding rivets of the speaker grills.
But this does not affect the sound (no vibration noise).
mark the oulines of
the adapter plate on
the door-lining
Abb.: 75075-up to’96
Abb.: 76075-ab Bj.96
mark the oulines of
the adapter plate on
the door-lining
use original screwed
joint within the outline
marking for fitting
4. installation of adapter plate onto the door-lining
75075/76075 - SL Cabrio
- 9 -
75075/76075 - SL Cabrio
- 6 -
Rubber surround of subwoofer touches the
expanding rivets of the speaker grills. But this
does not affect the sound (no vibration noise)
==>> prod.code.
(models from ‘96) installation of adapterplate
4.1. Sand the outline marked (adhesive property will be better).
4.2. Original screwed joint within the ouline marking is used to install
the adapterplate:
• detach original screwed joint
• install adapterplate exactly and tighten the screws
4.3. Screw in the 3 screws attached acc. to fi gure. Secure the M4-screws with
the perforated tape and M4-nuts, sheet metal screw with sheet metal nut.
4.4. Put hot melt adhesive on the rest of the plate edge.
4.5. Connect subwoofer and midrange with speaker cable (1,5 - 4mm
) and
lead the cable to the mount of the crossover circuit.
Lenght of cable: up to crossover-mount underneath the dashboard.
7. Montage der Türverkleidung auf die Fahrzeugtüren
7.1. Türverkleidung oben in die Türschachtleiste einhängen
7.2. In umgekehrter Reihenfolge wie auf Seite 3 beschrieben wieder befestigen.
7.3. Regenschutzfolie für den Tieftöner u-förmig einschneiden und seitliche
Schnittkanten zur Vermeidung von Vibrationsgeräuschen der Folie
stabilisieren (z.B. mit Packband)
4.1. Türverkleidung mit der Rückseite nach oben auf eine ebene Fläche legen.
4.2. Die Adapterplatte mit montierten Lautsprechern direkt anstelle des
demontierten, werkseitigen Lautsprechersystems auf der Türverkl. aufsetzen.
4.2. Umriss der Adapterplatte anzeichnen und Adapterplatte wieder abnehmen.
Befestigung Adapterplatte 75075 - bis Bj. ‘96:
1. Angezeichneter Umriss anrauhen (für bessere Haftbarkeit des Heißklebers)
2. Heißkleber entlang der Umrisszeichnung anbringen.
3. Die Adapterplatte passgenau aufsetzen und
auf die Türverkleidung
aufdrücken bis der Heißkleber hart ist.
Befestigung Adapterplatte 76075 - ab Bj. ‘96:
1. Angezeichneter Umriss anrauhen (bessere Haftbarkeit des Heißklebers)
2. werkseitige Schraubenbefestigung innerhalb der Umriss-Anzeichnung
zur Befestigung der Adapterplatte nutzen:
• werkseitige Schrauben lösen
• Adapterplatte passgenau aufsetzen und Schrauben wieder eindrehen
2. Heißkleber entlang des restlichen unbefestigten Adapterrahmen-Randes
4. Tief- und Mitteltöner mit Lautsprecherkabel (1,5 - 4mm ) verkabeln.
und Lautsprecherkabel zum Frequenzweichen-Montageort führen.
Kabellänge: bis zur Frequenzweiche, Montage unterhalb des Armaturen-
Die Gummisicke des Tieftöners berührt zwar die Spreitznieten der Lautsprecher-
gitter- dies hat jedoch keine negativen Auswirkungen auf etwaige Vibrations-
Umrisse der Adapterplatte
auf der Türverkleidung an-
Abb.: 75075-bis Bj.96
Abb.: 76075-ab Bj.96
Umrisse der Adapterplatte
auf der Türverkleidung an-
werkseitige Schrauben innerhalb
der Umrisszeichnung
zur Befestigung verwenden
4. Montage der Adapterplatte auf die Türverkleidung
75075/76075 - SL Cabrio
- 9 -
75075/76075 - SL Cabrio
- 6 -
original screws
sheet metal screw 3,9x16
+ sheet metal nut
M4 x 20 + perforated tape
7. installation of the door-lining onto the car doors
7.1. put the door-lining into the upper sealing of the car door
7.2. fit it in contrary order of succession as described on page no. 3
7.3. cut out the moisture protection foil (u-form) and stabilize the lateral cutting
edges in order to avoid vibration noise ( e.g. use a packing tape)
1.1. place the door-lining backside up on a plane surface
1.2. align the adapter plate with speakers instead of the factory installed speaker unit
1.3. mark the outlines of the adapter plate and remove the plate again
fitting of adapter plate 75075 – model up to ‘96:
1. sand the outline marked (adhesive property will be better then)
2. put hot melt adhesive on the outlines.
3. fit in the adapter plate exactly and hold it fast to the door-lining until
the adhesive hardens
fitting of adapter plate 76075 – model from ‘96:
1. sand the outline marked (adhesive property will be better)
2. original screwed joint within the outline marking is used to install the
adapter plate:
• detach original screwed joint
• install adapter plate exactly and tighten the screws
3. put holt melt adhesive on the rest of the plate edge.
4. connect subwoofer and midrange with speaker cable (1,5-4mm
) and lead cable
to the mount of the crossover circuit.
Length of cable: up to crossover- mount underneath the dashboard
rubber surround of subwoofer touches the expanding rivets of the speaker grills.
But this does not affect the sound (no vibration noise).
mark the oulines of
the adapter plate on
the door-lining
Abb.: 75075-up to’96
Abb.: 76075-ab Bj.96
mark the oulines of
the adapter plate on
the door-lining
use original screwed
joint within the outline
marking for fitting
4. installation of adapter plate onto the door-lining
75075/76075 - SL Cabrio
- 9 -
75075/76075 - SL Cabrio
- 6 -