© J e f f R ow l a n d d e s i g n g R o u p 2 0 07. a l l R i g h t s R e s e R v e d .
The Bypass Mode allows the CAPRI to be installed
in a home theater or surround sound system for optimal playback of
stereo music sources when the multi-channel system is not in use.
Pressing this button will allow a multi-channel processor to bypass the
preamplifier functions of the CAPRI, with the volume controlled only by
the external processor. The indicator light below the BYPASS button
will illuminate yellow to show that the Bypass function is active.
Do not connect a source component to the BYPASS INPUTS if it does not have
its own volume control. The volume control of the CAPRI Stereo Preamplifier is inactive
when Bypass Mode is selected.
(4) PHASE:
Pressing this button will invert the phase of both channels
of the selected input and illuminate the yellow indicator light below
the PHASE button. Pressing this button again will turn off the light and
return the phase to uninverted polarity.
Pressing the MUTE button will mute the speaker and
line outputs of the CAPRI and illuminate the red indicator light below
the MUTE button. Pressing this button again will turn off the light and
restore the output of the preamplifier to the previous volume setting.
To avoid spurious noises and possible damage to other system
components, the preamplifier should be muted when connecting or
disconnecting any rear panel connections.
This display shows the current volume of the
selected input numerically, from 00.0 to 99.5, in 0.5 dB increments.
If desired, the volume display can be configured to turn off 5 seconds
after receiving any command from the front panel or the Remote Trans-
mitter. Please contact your dealer about this function. The volume display
also contains the infrared (IR) receiver for receiving remote commands.
Rotation of the volume control knob clockwise
will increase the output level of the CAPRI. Rotation of the knob coun-
ter-clockwise will decrease the output level. The CAPRI features a
dual-range volume control system: rotating the volume knob slowly
will cause the volume to increase or decrease in small, precise steps.
Rotating the knob abruptly will result in large, immediate changes to
the output level.
When the volume control is set to 85.5, the preamplifier is set for unity (0 dB) gain
from any input to any output.