Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Getting the remote control port number
Transport Module, DMC, MSAM, and 5800 Remote Operation
The operation complete query from the SCPI standard is recognized, but does not have the
same behavior the standard describes. This due to the fact that in remote control,
commands are processed serially; a command will not be processed until all previous
commands are completed. This means that *OPC? will not be processed until all previous
operations are complete, at which point it will always return 1.
It is recommended that the :SYSTem:ERRor? query be used instead of *OPC?, as it also
provides error checking on the previous command.
This command terminates remote control mode and restores the GUI interface. All applica-
tions that were running under remote control will be shut down, and first application in the
test menu will be launched. Alternatively, the application to launch may be specified as an
optional parameter.
The example below shows this command with a parameter to launch 10/100/1000M
Ethernet Layer 2 Traffic Terminate. Keep in mind the *GUI command may take some time
to process. The 0, "No error" message may not show up for a minute or two.
> *GUI TermEth10ML2Traffic
> :SYSTem:ERRor?
0, "No error"
Switching to
Remote Control
Prepare BERT Application
Using the information discovered in
“Getting the remote control port number” on page 7
establish a socket connection to the BERT application port so the BERT application can be
set for operation.
To prepare the BERT application port for use, it must be reset to its default configuration,
shutting down all running applications.
Start Remote Operation
Set the BERT application for remote operations:
Exits all running applications and shows a message on the screen indicating the unit is
under remote control.
Reset BERT
Optional. Exit all currently running applications and restore the default configurations:
Query for Error Status
To verify that the system has been reset, the system must be checked for errors. There will
be no return from this query until the reset sequence has been completed. This may take
a little while but a 90 second time-out on this command should be sufficient.
Check the system for errors: