JBL Performance Series RS-232 Serial Protocol Definitions
23 Data Description
Data Type: Unsigned 16 bit Integer
Max Value: Max Parameter Count as reported by the AV1 Unit Configuration
Response Packet ( page 22).
Param Type Name Param
Type ID Type Description
PARAM_TYPE_UINT8 0 Unsigned 8 bit integer(0 to 255) 1
PARAM_TYPE_UINT16 1 Unsigned 8 bit integer(0 to 65535) 2
PARAM_TYPE_CSTR8 2 Zero terminated string of 8 ASCII characters 9
PARAM_TYPE_CSTR13 3 Zero terminated string of 13 ASCII characters 14
PARAM_TYPE_UINT32 4 Unsigned 32 bit integer (0 to 4,294,967,295 ) 4
PARAM_TYPE_BOOLEAN 5 Boolean (0 to 1) 1
PARAM_TYPE_INT8 6 Signed 8 bit integer (-127 to 128) 1
PARAM_TYPE_BRANCH 7 Parameter Branch N/A
PARAM_TYPE_INT16 8 Signed 16 bit integer (-32,767 to 32,768) 2
PARAM_TYPE_CSTR20 9 Zero terminated string of 20 ASCII characters 21
The data value transmitted is dependent on the ParamType, as described above. The Data Value is always
packed starting at the Value[0] byte in the packet. For multi-byte data, the values are packed LSB
first(Value[0]) to MSB(Value[0+(num bytes-1)]). For example: Setting a given signed 16 bit parameter to a
value of -300 the data array would be packed as follows:
Value[0] = 0xd4
Value[1] = 0xfe
Value[2 - 13] = don't care.
All signed values are in the 2's compliment format. Data Validation:
The ParamId must be a valid Parameter. The ParamType must be valid for the given ParamId. If
either of these conditions is not true the AV1 will respond with a NAK packet and error code DC
_ INVALID_PARAM_ID. The data value size cannot exceed the size of a given data type. A
value that does exceed the size of a given data type will be truncated to the appropriate size.
The ParamType transmitted must match the ParamType for the Parameter being transmitted, as
per the Parameter Definition as transmitted by the MC_SYS_PARAM_DEF_PKT. If the types do not match,
the AV1 will transmit a NAK packet with a DC_INVALID_INPUT error code. The AV1 will transmit a NAK
packet with a DC_ERR_READ_ONLY error code for read only parameters.
6.3.13 AV1 Set Parameter Value by Id, No Run
AV1 Set Parameter by Id command sets the parameter value equal to the value sent in the command
packet and does not run the appropriate functional changes associated with changing the given
parameter. Command Packet Description
Application Header:
Data Count 24 0x18