18. Кнопка приглушения звука MUTE и завершения разговора в режиме hands-
19. Кнопка LOCAL/DX переключения режима радиотюнера местный/дальний
20. Кнопка STEREO/MONO переключения режима радиотюнера
21. Кнопка LOUD включения режима тонкомпенсации
22. Кнопка SCAN сканирования радиостанций
23. Разъём AUX mini-jack 3.5 для подключения стороннего аудиоисточника
(плеера, смартфона, планшета и т. д.).
24. Разъём для подключения USB-накопителя
25. Разъём для карт памяти SD
26. Светодиодный индикатор
When you press and hold the NEXT (8) or PREV (9) bu on, the tuner enters the
manual tuning mode, which is indicated by the MANUAL message on the screen.
The search for the desired frequency is made with the same bu ons. A er 5
seconds of inac vity, the tuner returns to automa c tuning mode.
Scanning radio sta ons
Press the SCAN bu on (22), the tuner will automa cally search radio sta on.
When it finds the next radio sta on, scanning will pause for a few seconds, the
screen will blink, then the search will con nue un l the tuner finds the next radio
sta on. To stop scanning and stay on the current radio sta on, press the SCAN
bu on (22) again.
Automa cally Memory Storing
Press the AMS (10) bu on and hold it for a few seconds. The tuner will
automa cally scan the current band and store the sta ons with the stronge st
signal in the memory of the device, replacing the previously stored ones. A er
automa cally filling the memory, the tuner will automa cally enter the mode of
scanning the stored radio sta ons so that you can choose the one you like the
Program Scanning
Press the AMS (10) bu on shortly to scan preset sta ons. During scanning, the
tuner will tune in sequen ally to the stored radio sta ons and stop at each sta on
for a few seconds. During this process, sta ons with poor recep on will be
skipped. To stop scan mode and stay on the current radio sta on, press the AMS
(10) bu on again.
Recalling a radio sta on from the device memory
To recall a preset radio sta on, click the corresponding number bu on at the
bo om of the panel (11-16).
Manually storing a radio sta on in the device memory
To store the current radio sta on in the device's memory, press and hold the
corresponding number bu on at the bo om of the panel (11 -16). The radio
sta ons are recorded instead of the previously stored ones, erasing the tuning
frequency of the previous radio sta on from the memory.
In case of uncertain FM recep on (for example, at a considerable distance from
the radio transmi er, in dense urban areas or strong radio interference),
can be improve by switching to Mono mode.