Installa on and connec on of the head unit
Choosing a place to install
The head unit is intended for use inside the car.
To mount it, choose a regular place in the panel, provided by the car
If the dimension of footprint is not in 1-DIN format, select a suitable adapter
frame to accommodate a standard 1-DIN footprint.
If the design of the panel does not provide for a regular place for the
installa on of the head unit, choose the moun ng loca on where the unit will
not interfere with the normal driving func on of the driver.
Avoid installing the unit where it would be subject to high temperature, such
as from direct sunlight, or from hot air, form the heater, or where it would be
subject to dust, dirt, or excessive vibra on.
Choosing an installa on method
Use only the parts included with the unit to ensure proper installa on. The use
of unauthorized parts can cause malfunc ons.
Consult with your nearest dealer if installa on requires the drilling of holes or
other modifica ons of the vehicle.
Install the unit where it does not get in the driver's way and cannot injure the
passenger if there is a sudden stop. Like an emergency stop.
To avoid short circuits, disconnect the ba ery from the vehicle elec trical
system (if possible). A er making connec ons, connect the posi ve terminal
of the ba ery first, then the nega ve one.
Before final assembly of the unit, make sure all connec ons are correct and
the system is working properly.
Технические характеристики
Питание: бортовая сеть 12 В постоянного тока
Тип бортовой сети: с отрицательной клеммой на кузове (
Диапазон значений напряжения питания: 11,0 – 14,4 В
Рекомендуемый импеданс акустических систем: 4 Ом
Номинальная выходная мощность: 4 х 50 Вт пик.
Установочные размеры (Ш x В x Г): 178 x 50 x 87 мм
Номинал предохранителя: 10 А
Пределы регулировки секции темброблока:
Нижние частоты (Bass): -10 дБ / +10 дБ
Верхние частоты (Treble): -10 дБ / +10 дБ
Соотношение сигнал/шум: не менее 70 дБ
Разделение каналов: не менее 70 дБ
Частотный диапазон: 20 Гц – 20 кГц
Диапазон частот: 87,5 МГц – 108 МГц
Полезная чувствительность (сигнал/шум -30 дБ): 12 дБн
Разделение каналов: >30 дБ
Дальность действия: до 10 м
Поддерживаемые профили: HFP, HSP, A2DP, AVRCP