High-Impact Music Systems
While these systems are also sometimes used for speech, their primary purpose
indicates that the arrays must produce high SPL Levels and have extended bandwidth by
integrating subwoofers – whether flown or ground supported – into the system.
Rectangular and auditorium shapes can have enhanced L/R only systems or exploded
cluster systems – the center channel sometimes being optimized for speech. Fan-
shaped rooms once again must use three- or four-cluster systems to provide proper
coverage and localization to the stage.
Many of the Speech-only or Speech & Music scenarios described above may be used as
a basis for a high-impact music system provided the SPL levels are high enough
(>110dB in the seating area) and subwoofers are included in the system. Similarly, the
array types described will generally be appropriate for this use if sized correctly for the
room and properly augmented with subwoofers.
These are only some examples of the uses of the array types that follow. These arrays may be
modified or augmented to meet the particular needs of the project. Hopefully, they are useful in
providing a starting point for configurations you can consider for your project.
Figure 6: Array D1 (p. 21) used in a
Right-Left configuration in a small