t is possible to punch the acetate paper or similar paper only if each sheet is interleaved with
10 sheets minimum (plain copying paper) without any responsability on our part insofar as the
acetate may have a diversified composition. It is advisable to contact us and to send us some
samples before any trial. We will keep you informed of the faisability.
Make sure that you are using antistatic acetate
If your paper jams repeatly at the outlet :
1. Check the sense of the warping of the paper located on the feeder and this, within the
using limits as per cases mentioned page 5/24 (no. 2 and 4)
In the case you have to cope with one of both situations, turn your paper so that you
obtain one of the case no. 1 or 3. It will improve both the pick-up of the paper and the
2. Check whether you meet the aforementioned restrictions (see 2)
Use a paper of good quality if possible.
When the paper has just been photocopied, it is advisable to let the paper cooling down a
quarter of hour, before punching it.
The storage of the paper –before punching- is of great importance : the
paper when cooling down may experience a warping, hence the importance
to pile up the paper correctly.