Firmware update
Once the Jb-L20 is connected to the USB cable the charge will start, but by USB is
also possible to update the firmware. To avoid complica on we created a method
that does not require drivers installa on. That’s the u lity of the bu on
. If you connect Jb-L20 to a Windows 7, the OS will inform you that drivers
are not installed, Windows 10 instead will install drivers automa cally, however
we will not use them. Instead we will reenumerate the USB that will be recognized
as USB HID peripheral, thus not requiring drivers.
Then confirm by
Jp bu on
When the text on the right will appear you
should read, and press Jp one more me. Don’t
be alarmed if the screen will be empty... The
instrument is just in USB HID mode, ready to
receive the update by USB. Just launch the file
you downloaded from www.jbvario.com. Don’t
disconnect un l you read on the LCD
This message will disappear in few seconds and
then the charging screen will appear again.