Second Menu page
As you probably know the pressure is never constant in the atmosphere. There are
standard theore cal values that the variometer take in to account, but in reality the pressure
at a certain al tude can be different in different moments. Here you can adjust the value of
the al tude. As usual: Jp to select, up or down bu ons to change the value and Jp again to
Up Threshold (in meters per seconds or feet per seconds), this is the value for which you
want the Jb-L20 gives you a posi ve audio feedback. It means it will beep for thermals. Some
people want posi ve feedback also for nega ve values: someone wants to have a thermal
beep also for example at -0.3. If you are going down at -0.3 mt/sec you are in a thermal
indeed, because even if you are going down the air is going up. It just happens that your
glider has a minimum sink rate lower than the thermal. However you can put the upT down
to -0.7. Obviously to avoid conflict in case the dwT is set to a higher value it will be automa -
cally adjusted at -0.1 lower than the upT. If the upT is set to values <= 0 it will be produced a
special audio feedback.
Down Threshold (in meters per seconds or feet per seconds), this is the value for which
you want the Jb-L20 gives you a nega ve audio feedback. It means you are going down.
the volume can be set to 100% 50% or MUTE
you can choose between
2 different type of sounds.
has a lower frequency.
has higher frequency , like the Jb MINI (the previous model without display)
RESPONSIVENESS , how fast you want the instrument reacts to thermals and how fast
you want V+ and V- are updated. Responsiveness can be
: Will use a filter of 1 second for the first thermal beep feedback. Then the instrument
will give feedback and will be responsive every 0.5 seconds ll the end of the thermal. If the
Jb-L20 doesn’t detect another thermal within 1 second from the last thermal the 1 second
filter will be ac vated again. This is done to cut out temporary “shaking”. This means also that
if you set Jb to +0.1 the first thermal will be detected a er 10 cm of varia on , but the beep
will be produced a er 20 cm... then a er 1 second it will become responsive at 10 cm of
difference, calcula ng varia on every half second. The values V+ and V- will be updated only
if a certain value is confirmed for at least 1 second. If you get a +6 for less than 1 second it will
not be recorded as V+ (max ascent, ver cal speed value). Suitable for students.
: No filter of 1 second, furthermore another algorithm is used to let Jb-L20 be more sensi ve.
The values V+ and V- are updated immediately. Suitable for pilots with over 100 hrs...
Al tude can be set in
, and the variometer can be in mt/sec or /sec