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The behaviour of the P7 in case the Wireless DMX connection is interrupted can be set to:
1. DMX Hold - P7 freezes on the last received DMX value.
2. Fade out - P7 fades out after 5 seconds.
On return of the DMX signal the P7 first turn to its new position and fades in.
A sequence, up to 20 steps, consisting of preprogrammed cues can be recalled by means of
the STANDALONE MODE. The sequence will run as a loop. Cues can be entered in two different
ways. The first way is to program every feature by means of the key of the units on-board control
panel. The second way is to program the cues by means of a connected DMX control console
and to store them in the fixture.
IMPORTANT! The functions MODIFY, RUN and REMOTE can be accessed only by pressing a
combination of keys and not just by pressing „ENTER“. Before activating the functions make
sure that there is just one DMX-transmitter in the DMX-line (e.g. one control console or one
master fixture). A number of DMX-transmitters can damage the DMX driver of the fixtures. To
enter the functions press “ENTER” (keep it down) and press „ESC“ in addition.
Programming the stand alone sequence:
Enter the menu STANDALONE -> EDIT. STEP NR 01/01 will be displayed. Enter the MODIFY
menu to get access to the fixtures functions. Recall the functions and enter DMX values. Enter
FADE TIME (during which the effects will move to the programmed position) Enter NEXT TIME
which will be the duration of the step. Add a new step with INSERT. The DMX values of the last
step will be automatically copied to the new step. With DELETE one step of the sequence can
be deleted. Choose the step and confirm the function with ENTER. To reset the DMX values of a
step use RESET STEP. Select the step and confirm with “ENTER”. All DMX values of the step will
be set to zero. With CLEAR ALL the complete sequence will be deleted and the display will show
STEP 01/01
Store cue‘s from a DMX controller:
The DMX values can also be programmed by means of a DMX console. Enter the STANDALONE
menu and navigate to CAPT DMX. Program the DMX values with an external DMX console. To
capture the data press „ENTER“. The fixtures display will show START CAPTURE. To insert, de-
lete or reset use the keys of the control panel of the fixture.
Activate the standalone mode:
The standalone mode is activated in the menu STANDALONE -> RUN. To enter the functions
press “ENTER” (keep it down) and press “ESC” in addtion. P7 will execute sequence in a repeat-
ing loop. To leave press “ESC” and hold it down and press “ENTER” in addition.
The P7 offers three different modes for fan operation. The default setting STANDARD will suit
most applications. Switch to SILENT to reduce the speed of the fans to a minimum. This mode
is to be used only in well ventilated rooms with low ambient temperature, with reduced light out-
put or if the fixture is only required occasionally. The HI POWER mode is designed to be used in
areas with higher air temperature or for fixed installations. The fans start to run faster with more
airflow which produces more noise.
There is in no mode danger for the lifetime of the P7. If the temperature rise to much the fixture
switches off automatically.