Jaylor Owner Manual
5000 Series Truck Mount Models
It is recommended to add the light and fluffy ingredients into the mixing chamber
first. Then the heavier and denser material will force the lighter ingredients into the mixture.
Mixing Tips
Place the light, fluffy and least dense ingredients into the machine first. In that way, the heavier and
denser material added later will push the light material into the auger. Always place hay (round,
square, or loose) into the machine first.
Shake the bucket on the loader to control the amount of material being added to the machine. Watch
the weight indicator to know exactly how much of each ingredient you are adding.
Operate the auger for 3 to 5 minutes after the last ingredient has been added and before unloading to
ensure a uniform mixture. Mixing times will vary depending on the type of ingredients being mixed.
Visually monitor the mixture to ensure that mixing is complete.
Consult with a feed nutritionist to determine the best combination of ingredients for your requirements.
Following their recommendations will ensure the best results with your total mixed ration (TMR). This
translates into maximum efficiency of your Jaylor investment.