4. If you are failure in control circuit, pls find out the root cause or contact with dealer.
5. The control wire on welding gun is broken.
Abnormal indicator does not light, and
“susurrus” sound generated by high
frequency discharge is heard, but no
welding output.
1. The welding gun cable is broken.
2. The grounding wire is broken or it is connected with welded workpiece.
3. The anode output terminal or gas-electricity output terminal of welding gun is loosing from the
connecting position inside the machine.
Abnormal indicator does not light, and
no “susurrus” sound generated by high
frequency discharge, and no welding
1. There is bad connection between the primary wire of arc starting transformer and power supply
board, re-tight it.
2. The discharging electrode is oxidized or the distance is longer, pls remove oxidized film or
adjust the distance to 1mm.
3. Individual component of high frequency arc starting circuit is damaged, find it and replace it.
Abnormal indicator lights, and no
1. It may caused by over-current protection, pls turn off the machine and restart it after the
indicator extinguishes, the machine will operate normally.
2. It may caused by over-heat protection, do not turn off the machine, and wait around 2-3
minutes, and the machine will operate normally.
3. It may caused by inverter circuit failure. Unplug the power terminal of master transformer on
the MOS board(near the VH-07 inserter), and restart the machine.
1) if the abnormal indicator remains lighting, turn off the machine and unplug the power
terminal of high frequency arc starting power supply (near the VH-07 inserter),and then
restart the machine.
a. Individual MOFSET on MOS board is damaged if the abnormal indicator remains
b. The voltage increasing transformer of high frequency arc starting circuit in power
supply board is damaged if the abnormal indicator does not light.
2) If the abnormal indicator does not light:
a. The transformer on middle board may be damaged, pls check the primary
inductance and Q value with bridge circuit.
b. The double-times rectifier of transfer may be broken through individually, pls find
it and replace it with a same model one.
4. It may caused by short circuit in the feedback circuit.
workpiece surface can not be exposed
when welding.
1. Wrong position selection.
2. Insufficient duty ratio adjustment.
3. Double-times invert MOSFET is damaged.
Serious burned tungsten electrode.
The duty ratio is out of specification, pls reduce it.
AC.DC TIG-250, AC.DC TIG-315
Failure phenomenon
Power indicator does not
light, and fan does not rotate,
and no welding output.
1. The air switch should be good or closed.
2. Check the power network connected with input cable and assure it is available.
3. Thermal resistor(4 pieces) on the power supply board may be damaged (usually
caused by inactive DC24V relay or bad contact).
4. This is malfunction on power board or base board without any output of DC537
5. The auxiliary power supply of control panel fails.
Fan rotates, but abnormal
indicator does not light, and
generated by high frequency
discharge, and no arc starting
for “rubbing arc welding”.
1. Check connecting wires in the machine and find out any bad connection.
2. Failure in control circuit, pls find out the root cause or contact with dealer.
3. The control wire on welding gun is broken.
Abnormal indicator does not
light, but “susurrus” sound
generated by high frequency
discharge is heard, and no
welding output.
1. The welding gun cable is broken.
2. The grounding wire is broken or it is connected with welded workpiece.
3. The anode output terminal or gas-electricity output terminal of welding gun is
loosing from the connecting position inside the machine.
Abnormal indicator does not
light, and no “susurrus”
1. There is bad connection between the primary wire of arc starting transformer
and power supply board, re-tight it.