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Congratulations on Your New

JangleBox JBX Compressor!


ou’re probably a guitar player who won’t compromise on tone and 

who demands pro-level compression. If so, your JangleBox JBX will 

be your new, favorite pedal. The JBX will give you all the chime, 

sustain and brilliance that JangleBox compressors are known for, 

along with unrivaled tone-and-boost capabilities.

The JBX goes from the studio to the stage without missing a beat:

Dual mono outputs.

Separate, full EQ on both sides of the unit.

Preset treble-boost switch.

J-Boost gain switch for on-the-fly soloing or tonal variation.

True bypass.

Further refinements include moving the EQ circuit post-com-

pression for a quieter output, and eliminating microphonic 

switch noise.

The advantages you’ll gain in power, flexibility and clarity will make 

this one pedal in your rig that you’ll never turn off. The JBX is a com-

pression fan’s dream!

The JBX is Simple to Set Up 

and Operate

As every guitar-and-amp combination is different for each guitarist, you’ll 

want to experiment with the JBX settings. We suggest first adjusting the 




 to your desired tone, both on the regular side of the 

compressor and the J-Boost side. Next, turn the 




 knobs to 

the “12 o’clock” position, then tweak the volume and compression to your 

satisfaction from there. Finally, adjust the 

J-Boost Gain 

to add (or lower) 

volume and/or create a different tone. 



 settings adjust volume. The 


 setting adjusts the 

intensity of compression. The Attack knob is common to both the 

regular side of the JBX and the J-Boost side. 



is a preset treble boost and is common to both sides of 

the compressor. It will maintain the volume set either on the regular 

side or J-Boost side.



 switch is the second stage of the JBX. It can be used 

for different tonal variations and/or up to a 20-25dB volume boost. 

Adjust the 

J-Boost Gain

 for soloing, if desired. You can also activate 

the J-Boost so that it comes on when you hit the On/Off switch.

The J-Boost Gain, J-Boost Bass, and J-Boost Treble settings function 

only when the J-Boost is switched on (blue light).

 See the back panel 

for further explanation.

When daisy-chaining a series of additional pedal effects, you should 

place the JBX first in the sequence (plug your guitar into the JBX) to 

take full advantage of its true bypass.

 Use any standard 9V pin-negative power source or the 9V battery 

included with each unit. If you use a 9V battery to power your pedal, 

compression will decrease as the  battery wears. Remove the four 

screws on the underside of the box to replace the battery. 

11654 Plaza America Drive • Reston, VA 20190 • 1.866.352.6453 •


JangleBox LLC warrants that the JangleBox JBX shall be free from defects. Consumer must notify 

JangleBox LLC in writing, within one year of delivery of the JangleBox JBX, of any claim that there is a defect in 

the pedal. If the JBX is found defective by JangleBox LLC, its sole obligation under this warranty is to remedy 

such defect in a manner consistent with JangleBox’s regular business practices.
The above is a limited warranty and it is the only warranty made by JangleBox LLC. JangleBox LLC makes  no 

other warranty express or implied and expressly excludes all warranties of merchantability and  fitness for a 

particular purpose. JangleBox LLC shall have no liability for consequential, exemplary, or incidental damages 

resulting from or arising out of the use of the JangleBox JBX.
