TruSense Water Chemistry Analyzer | Owner’s Manua
TruSense Water Chemistry Analyzer | Owner’s Manua
Page 11
Figure 2.
Remove Cap and Plugs
5. Install the sensor compression fittings and their adapted o-rings
(provided) in place of sensor plugs, see Figure 3(a). Hand tighten, no
tools needed.
6. Loosen the thread on the sensor storage tube and remove the pH sensor
(blue) carefully, DO NOT touch the glass tube.
7. Loosen the top of the left compression fitting, insert pH sensor into
fitting and push down slowly. Hand tighten the fitting once sensor is
completely inserted into fitting, see Figure 3(b)
8. Loosen the thread on sensor storage tube and remove the ORP sensor
(red) carefully, DO NOT touch the glass tube.
9. Loosen the top of the right compression fitting, insert ORP sensor into
fitting and push down slowly. Hand tighten the fitting once sensor is
completely inserted into fitting, see Figure 3(c)
Save the sensor storage tubes for winterization.