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Nicheless Underwater LED Lights | Owner’s Manual
Nicheless Underwater LED Lights | Owner’s Manual
Z4 | Owner’s Manual
Table of Contents
Section 1. Important Safety Instructions ....... 3
Section 2. Installing the Jandy Pro Series
Nicheless LED Light ...................... 4
2.1 Preparing the Light Fixture for Installation.....................4
2.2 Installing the Light Fixture ............................................6
Section 3. Wiring Options for Controlling
Jandy Pro Series Nicheless
LED Lights ...................................... 7
3.1 Wiring to an AquaLink
RS Control System ..................7
3.2 Wiring to a Time Clock ..................................................8
3.3 Wiring to a Switch..........................................................8
Section 4. Jandy Pro Series Nicheless
Underwater LED Light Operating
Instructions .................................... 9
4.1 Operating the Light and Changing Colors .....................7
4.2 To Reset to the Beginning of the
Color Sequence.............................................................7
Section 5. Twelve (12) Volt Installation .......... 7