GO-5000M-USB-UV User Manual (Ver. 1.1)
Main Functions
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Gain Control
On this camera, the gain control uses Analog Base Gain and Digital Gain. Analog Base Gain can be
set at 0dB, +6dB or +12dB. The digital gain is used for the master gain setting.
For setting the gain,
1. Set analog gain (Select from 0dB, +6dB and +12dB)
2. Set digital gain
The master gain (DigitalAll) can be set x1 (0dB) to x16 (+24dB) against the analog base gain.
The resolution for gain setting is x0.01/step which is 0.05dB to 0.08dB, depending on the setting
The master gain control uses Digital Gain Control. All digital gain can be set by x0.01/step. If the digital
gain is set too high, gaps in the Histogram may occur.
The above drawing shows the relationship between gain setting value (command), gain amplitude,
and dB indication. For example, the gain amplitude “x 5.62” equals 15dB.
Gain Selector
The following parameters can be set.
Digital All
The range for adjustment: Digital All: 1 ~ 16 (x1 (0dB) ~ x16 (+24dB))