AM-201CL / AB-201CL
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10. Camera control tool
The AM-201CL and AB-201CL camera Control Tool can be downloaded from JAI Web
. This control software is available for Windows2000/XP/Vista/7.
In this control tool, the developers guide is included in order for customers to
create their own programs.
10.1. Control tool windows
Here is some practical information about the Camera Control Tool:
1. The Camera Control Tool bar is always on top of other windows.
2. When you minimize the Camera Control Tool bar all open windows will close.
3. It is possible to work with the Camera Control Tool when the camera is online and
when the camera is offline.
4. The newer JAI cameras always start up with the last used user area (but for some old
models it will start up with the last saved user area.)
5. The Camera Control Tool saves the last used settings (not the user area), which don‟t
have to be the same as for the last saved user area.
6. The setup file ‟CameraName.ini‟ stores all information about camera settings. When
the program is started the last settings for the program are loaded from the
file ‟CameraName.ini‟
10.2. Camera Control Tool interface
The Camera Control software consists of the main tool bar and
associated tool windows. When each icon in the main tool bar
is clicked, the associated window will open. The program is
refreshed after reboot.
The Camera control tool includes an About Window, Communication Window and Camera Control
10.2.1 About Window
The About Window contains a picture of the
camera and information about the version of
the program, Internet connection to JAI A/S
and access to the help documents.
The List box that contains the help documents
will list all files, which have the extension .pdf
and that are found in the program (default)
It is possible to download updated operation
manuals from the jai website:
The About Window also shows Model Name,
Camera ID and User ID. It is possible to edit and
save free text in User ID.
At the bottom of the windows (all windows but
the Communication Window) is a colored bar. The bar is red when the Camera Control Tool is not
connected to a camera or when the camera is turned off. The bar is green when the Camera Control
Tool is connected to a camera and the camera is turned on.