AM-201CL / AB-201CL
- 3 -
- Contents -
Before using AM-201CL and AB-201CL ....................................................- 6 -
General ....................................................................................- 7 -
2. Camera nomenclature .................................................................- 8 -
3. Main features ............................................................................- 8 -
4. Locations and functions ...............................................................- 9 -
5. Input and output ......................................................................... - 11 - Camera link output (2 tap output) ................................................... - 15 - Camera link output (1 tap output) ................................................... - 16 -
5.4.2 Partial scan readout (AOI) (Commands: STL, ETL) .................................... - 16 -
5.4.3 Binning (Command: BNC) (Only for AM-201CL) .......................................... - 20 -
6. Sensor layout and timing ............................................................ - 21 -
6.2.1 If the binning control is BNC=0(OFF) or BNC=2(2x1) .................................... - 21 - AOI default setting (Offset=0, Height=1080) ........................................ - 21 -
6.2.2 If the binning control is BNC=1(1x2) or BNC=3(2x2) .................................... - 23 - AOI initial setting (Offset=0, Height=1080) ......................................... - 23 -