8-3-3 ACAI
Automatic Counting Accuracy Improvement (ACAI) results in a more accurate count by
increasing the reference weight without the need to count additional parts. A higher reference
weight is important when there is a risk of inconsistent piece weights or if the reference
weight is close to the minimum. ACAI uses an initial averaging unit weight to count additional
weight that is placed on the scale. After a few seconds, the scale gives a beep as a new higher
reference weight is used to recalculate the averaging unit weight. The process can be
repeated as long as the additional weight is less than the less than previous reference weight.
Once the limit is exceeded ACAI is turned off.
If you set the average parameter (P4) to OFF, it means that the scale will do the ACAI in all
If you set the average parameter to 15, the scale will not work if there is an object shortage or
more than
15% of the unit weight.
Whether it works or not, depends on the object’s tolerant of weight.
8-4 Accumulation
Do tare or zero-point before accumulation
8-4-1 Choose Accumulation Mode
1.Press with no load on the pan.
2.Press or to choose the accumulation mode
= Auto-accumulate when
symbol appears
= Auto-accumulate when quantity is between HI – LO limits
= Auto-accumulate when weight is between HI – LO limits
3.Press to save and return.
8-4-2 Set the Max Account of accumulation
The max accumulation number is 50. You can change the max accumulation number as following:
For example, if you want to change the accumulation number to 9
1.Press and the Unit Weight display is blinking.
2. Press to save and return. And now you can accumulate up to 9 times only.