Jacobsen Greens King IV Plus Скачать руководство пользователя страница 10




DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ____________________________________________










Business name and full address of the manufacturer ▪ Търговско име и пълен адрес на производителя ▪ Obchodní jméno a plná adresa výrobce ▪ 

Producentens firmanavn og fulde adresse ▪ Bedrijfsnaam en volledig adres van de fabrikant ▪ Tootja ärinimi ja täielik aadress ▪ 


almistajan toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite ▪ Nom commercial et adresse complète du fabricant ▪ Firmenname und vollständige Adresse des Herstellers ▪ 

Επωνυμία και ταχυδρομική διεύθυνση κατασκευαστή ▪ A gyártó üzleti neve és teljes címe ▪ Ragione sociale e indirizzo completo del fabbricante ▪ 

Uzņēmuma nosaukums un pilna ražotāja adrese ▪ Verslo pavadinimas ir pilnas gamintojo adresas ▪ Isem kummerċjali u indirizz sħiħ tal-fabbrikant ▪ 

Nazwa firmy i pełny adres producenta ▪ Nome da empresa e endereço completo do fabricante ▪ 


enumirea comercială şi adresa completă a producătorului ▪ Obchodný názov a úplná adresa výrobcu ▪ Naziv podjetja in polni naslov proizvajalca ▪ 

Nombre de la empresa y dirección completa del fabricante ▪ Tillverkarens företagsnamn och kompletta adress ▪ 

Fyrirtækisheiti og fullt heimilisfang framleiðanda ▪ Firmanavn og full adresse for produsenten ▪ 制造商的商业名称和完整地址 ▪ 

Nafn fyrirtækis og fullt heimilisfang framleiðanda  ▪ 商号およびメーカーの正式住所  ▪ 제조자의 상호명 및 주소 ▪ İmalatçının ticari ünvanı ve açık adresi ▪ 

Фірмове найменування і повна адреса виробника

Jacobsen, A Textron Company
11524 Wilmar Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28273, USA

Product Code ▪ Код на продукта ▪ Kód výrobku ▪ Produktkode ▪ Productcode ▪ Toote kood ▪ Tuotekoodi ▪ Code produit ▪ Produktcode ▪ 

Κωδικός προϊόντος ▪ Termékkód ▪ Codice prodotto ▪ Produkta kods ▪ Produkto kodas ▪ Kodiċi tal-Prodott ▪ Kod produktu ▪ Código do Produto ▪ 

Cod produs ▪ Kód výrobku ▪ Oznaka proizvoda ▪ Código de producto ▪ Produktkod ▪ Vörunúmer ▪ Produktkode ▪ 产品代码 ▪ Framleiðslunúmer  ▪ 

製品コード ▪ 제품 코드  ▪ Ürün Kodu ▪ Код виробу


Machine Name ▪ Наименование на машината ▪ Název stroje ▪ Maskinnavn ▪ Machinenaam ▪ Masina nimi ▪ Laitteen nimi ▪ Nom de la machine ▪ 

Maschinenbezeichnung ▪ Ονομασία μηχανήματος ▪ Gépnév ▪ Denominazione della macchina ▪ Iekārtas nosaukums ▪ Mašinos pavadinimas ▪ 

Isem tal-Magna ▪ Nazwa urządzenia ▪ Nome da Máquina ▪ Numele echipamentului ▪ Názov stroja ▪ Naziv stroja ▪ Nombre de la máquina ▪ 

Maskinens namn ▪ Heiti tækis ▪ Maskinnavn ▪ 机器名称 ▪ Nafn vélar  ▪ 機械名 ▪ 기기 명칭  ▪ Makine Adı ▪ Назва машини

Greens King IV Plus Diesel

Designation ▪ Предназначение ▪ Označení ▪ Betegnelse ▪ Benaming ▪ Nimetus ▪ Tyyppimerkintä ▪ Pažymėjimas ▪ Bezeichnung ▪ Χαρακτηρισμός ▪ 

Megnevezés ▪ Funzione ▪ Apzīmējums ▪ Lithuanian ▪ Denominazzjoni ▪ Oznaczenie ▪ Designação ▪ Specificaţie ▪ Označenie ▪ Namen stroja ▪ 

Descripción ▪ Beteckning ▪ Merking ▪ Konstruksjon ▪名称  ▪  Útnefning ▪ 用途  ▪ 지정 ▪ Tanımı  ▪ Позначення

Lawnmower, Article 12, Item 32

Serial Number ▪ Сериен номер ▪ Sériové číslo ▪ Serienummer ▪ Serienummer ▪ Seerianumber ▪ Valmistusnumero ▪ Numéro de série ▪ 

Seriennummer ▪ Σειριακός αριθμός ▪ Sorozatszám ▪ Numero di serie ▪ Sērijas numurs ▪ Serijos numeris ▪ Numru Serjali ▪ Numer seryjny ▪ 

Número de Série ▪ Număr de serie ▪ Sériové číslo ▪ Serijska številka ▪ Número de serie ▪ Serienummer ▪ Raðnúmer ▪ Serienummer ▪序列号  ▪ 

Raðnúmer  ▪ シリアル番号  ▪ 일련 번호 ▪ Seri Numarası  ▪ Серійний номер


Engine ▪ Двигател ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Mootor ▪ Moottori ▪ Moteur ▪ Motor ▪ Μηχανή ▪ Modulnév ▪ Motore ▪ Dzinējs ▪ Variklis ▪ 

Saħħa Netta Installata ▪ Silnik ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Vél ▪ Motor ▪ 发动机 ▪ Aflvél  ▪ エンジン  ▪ 엔진 ▪ Motor  ▪ Двигун

Kubota D722-E3B Diesel
Kubota D722-E3B Diesel

Net Installed Power ▪ Нетна инсталирана мощност ▪ Čistý instalovaný výkon ▪ Installeret nettoeffekt ▪ Netto geïnstalleerd vermogen ▪ 

Installeeritud netovõimsus ▪ Asennettu nettoteho ▪ Puissance nominale nette ▪ Installierte Nettoleistung ▪ Καθαρή εγκατεστημένη ισχύς ▪ 

Nettó beépített teljesítmény ▪ Potenza netta installata ▪ Paredzētā tīkla jauda ▪ Grynoji galia ▪ Wisa’ tal-Qtugħ ▪ Moc zainstalowana netto ▪ 

Potência instalada ▪ Puterea instalată netă ▪ Čistý inštalovaný výkon ▪ Neto vgrajena moč ▪ Potencia instalada neta ▪ Nettoeffekt ▪ Nettóafl vélar ▪ 

Netto installert kraft ▪ 装机净功率 ▪ Netuppsetningarorka  ▪ 搭載する正味出力  ▪ 정미 출력 ▪ Net Kurulu Güç  ▪ Корисна встановлена потужність

13,2 kW @ 3200 RPM

Cutting Width ▪ Широчина на рязане ▪ Šířka řezu ▪ Skærebredde ▪ Maaibreedte ▪ Lõikelaius ▪ Leikkuuleveys ▪ Largeur de coupe ▪ Schnittbreite ▪ 

Μήκος μισινέζας ▪ Vágási szélesség ▪ Larghezza di taglio ▪ Griešanas platums ▪ Pjovimo plotis ▪ Tikkonforma mad-Direttivi ▪ Szerokość cięcia ▪ 

Largura de Corte ▪ Lăţimea de tăiere ▪ Šírka záberu ▪ Širina reza ▪ Anchura de corte ▪ Klippbredd ▪ Skurðbreidd ▪ Klippebredde ▪ 剪草宽度  ▪ 

Breidd sláttar ▪ 刈り取り幅  ▪ 절단 폭  ▪ Kesme Genişliği  ▪ Ширина різання 

157  cm

Conforms to Directives ▪ В съответствие с директивите ▪ Splňuje podmínky směrnic ▪ Er i overensstemmelse med direktiver ▪ 

Voldoet aan de richtlijnen ▪ Vastab direktiividele ▪ Direktiivien mukainen ▪ Conforme aux directives ▪ Entspricht Richtlinien ▪ 

Ακολουθήστε πιστά τις Οδηγίες ▪ Megfelel az irányelveknek ▪ Conforme alle Direttive ▪ Atbilst direktīvām ▪ Atitinka direktyvų reikalavimus ▪ 

Valutazzjoni tal-Konformità ▪ Dyrektywy związane ▪ Cumpre as Directivas ▪ Respectă Directivele ▪ Je v súlade so smernicami ▪ Skladnost z direktivami 

▪ Cumple con las Directivas ▪ Uppfyller direktiv ▪ Samræmist tilskipunum ▪ I samsvar med direktiv ▪ 符合指令 ▪  Í samræmi við reglugerðir ▪ 適合指令  ▪ 

규정 준수  ▪ Şu Yönergelere Uymaktadır ▪  Відповідає директиві

2000/14/EC, 2005/88/EC

Conformity Assessment ▪ Оценка за съответствие ▪ Hodnocení plnění podmínek ▪ Overensstemmelsesvurdering ▪ Conformiteitsbeoordeling ▪ 

Vastavushindamine ▪ Vaatimustenmukaisuuden arviointi ▪ Evaluation de conformité ▪ Konformitätsbeurteilung ▪ Διαπίστωση Συμμόρφωσης ▪ 

Megfelelőség-értékelés ▪ Valutazione della conformità ▪ Atbilstības novērtējums ▪ Atitikties įvertinimas ▪ Livell tal-Qawwa tal-Ħoss Imkejjel ▪ 

Ocena zgodności ▪ Avaliação de Conformidade ▪ Evaluarea conformităţii ▪ Vyhodnotenie zhodnosti ▪ Ocena skladnosti ▪ Evaluación de conformidad ▪ 

Bedömning av överensstämmelse ▪ Samræmismat ▪ Konformitetsvurdering ▪ 符合性评估  ▪ Samræmismat  ▪ 適合性評価  ▪ 性합성 평가  ▪ 

Uygunluk Değerlendirmesi  ▪ Оцінка відповідності

2006/42/EC Annex VIII

Measured Sound Power Level ▪ Измерено ниво на звукова мощност ▪ Naměřený akustický výkon ▪ Målte lydstyrkeniveau ▪ Gemeten geluidsniveau ▪ 

Mõõdetud helivõimsuse tase ▪ Mitattu äänitehotaso ▪ Niveau de puissance sonore mesuré ▪ Gemessener Schalldruckpegel ▪ 

Σταθμισμένο επίπεδο ηχητικής ισχύος ▪ Mért hangteljesítményszint ▪ Livello di potenza sonora misurato ▪ Izmērītais skaņas jaudas līmenis ▪ 

Išmatuotas garso stiprumo lygis ▪ Livell tal-Qawwa tal-Ħoss Iggarantit ▪ Moc akustyczna mierzona ▪ Nível sonoro medido ▪ 

Nivelul măsurat al puterii acustice ▪ Nameraná hladina akustického výkonu ▪ Izmerjena raven zvočne moči ▪ Nivel de potencia sonora medido ▪ 

Uppmätt ljudeffektsnivå ▪ Mælt hljóðaflsstig ▪ Målt lydeffektnivå ▪ 测得声功率级  ▪ Mældur hljóðstyrkur ▪ 音出力レベル測定値  ▪ 측정된 음향 파워 레벨  ▪ 

Ölçülen Ses Gücü Düzeyi  ▪ Виміряний рівень звукової потужності

102 dB(A) LWA

Guaranteed Sound Power Level ▪ Гарантирано ниво на звукова мощност ▪ Garantovaný akustický výkon ▪ Garanteret lydstyrkeniveau ▪ 

Gegarandeerd geluidsniveau ▪ Garanteeritud helivõimsuse tase ▪ Taattu äänitehotaso ▪ Niveau de puissance sonore garanti ▪ 

Garantierter Schalldruckpegel ▪ Εγγυημένο επίπεδο ηχητικής ισχύος ▪ Szavatolt hangteljesítményszint ▪ Livello di potenza sonora garantito ▪ 

Garantētais skaņas jaudas līmenis ▪ Garantuotas garso stiprumo lygis ▪ Livell tal-Qawwa tal-Ħoss Iggarantit ▪ Moc akustyczna gwarantowana ▪ 

Nível sonoro farantido ▪ Nivelul garantat al puterii acustice ▪ Garantovaná hladina akustického výkonu ▪ Zajamčena raven zvočne moči ▪ 

Nivel de potencia sonora garantizado ▪ Garanterad ljudeffektsnivå ▪ Hljóðaflsstig sem ábyrgð er tekin á ▪ Garanter lydeffektnivå ▪ 保证声功率级  ▪  

Tryggður hljóðstyrkur ▪ 音出力保証レベル  ▪ 보장된 음향 파워 레벨  ▪ Garantili Ses Gücü Düzeyi  ▪ Гарантований рівень звукової потужності

102dB(A) LWA

Содержание Greens King IV Plus

Страница 1: ...ctly used this machine can cause severe injury Those who use and maintain this machine should be trained in its proper use warned of its dangers and should read the entire manual before attempting to...

Страница 2: ...ional information is needed contact your Jacobsen Dealer The serial plate is attached to the frame near the battery Jacobsen recommends you record these numbers below for easy reference 11524WILMARB L...

Страница 3: ...Hoses 36 8 11 Hydraulic Oil 36 8 12 Hydraulic Oil Filters 37 8 13 Electrical System 37 8 14 Muffler And Exhaust 37 8 15 Tires 37 8 16 Wheel Mounting Procedure 38 8 17 Roll Over Protective Structure R...

Страница 4: ...ht or in good artificial light Use caution when you operate the mower during bad weather Never operate the mower with lightning in the area f Inspect the area to select the accessories and attachments...

Страница 5: ...was not made for ROPS a The ROPS is a safety device Keep the ROPS in the vertical and locked position Always use the seat belt when you operate the mower Make sure the seat belt can be released quick...

Страница 6: ...ck or service the cutting unit blades Replace any damaged blades do not try to correct a damaged blade k Keep your hands and feet away from parts that move Do not adjust the mower with the engine in o...

Страница 7: ...prolong the life of your machine and maintain its maximum efficiency Adjustments and maintenance should always be performed by a qualified technician If additional information or service is needed co...

Страница 8: ...iesel Rating Min Cetane rating 45 Capacity 5 U S Gal 18 9 liters Governor Ball Type Governor Low Idle 1100 RPM High Idle 3400 RPM Lubrication Capacity 3 4 quarts 3 2 liter with filter Type SAE 20W SAE...

Страница 9: ...spray 554598 Arm Rest 4139431 Grass Catcher 67891 Brush 62 in 68623 Fine Bristle Brush 68536 Green Sentry II Oil System Monitor 68669 Light Kit 2811910 Motor Light Brush Mounting Kit 2811909 Rear Roll...

Страница 10: ...or V l Motor Aflv l Motor Kubota D722 E3B Diesel Kubota D722 E3B Diesel Net Installed Power ist instalovan v kon Installeret nettoeffekt Netto ge nstalleerd vermogen Installeeritud netov imsus Asennet...

Страница 11: ...do operador Nivelul zgomotului la urechea operatorului Hladina hluku p sobiaca na sluch oper tora Raven hrupa pri u esu upravljavca Nivel sonoro en el o do del operador Ljudniv vid f rarens ra H va as...

Страница 12: ...ura da pessoa com poderes para emitir a declara o em nome do fabricante que possui a documenta o t cnica que est autorizada a compilar o processo t cnico e que est estabelecida na Comunidade Semn tura...

Страница 13: ...49 1 2001 BS EN ISO 5349 2 2001 The mower was tested for Whole Body vibration levels The operator was in the normal position to drive the vehicle with two hands on the steering mechanism The cutting d...

Страница 14: ...battery 1 Connect positive terminal to positive terminal 2 Connect negative terminal on good battery to frame of vehicle that has dead battery Read operator s manual Do not allow untrained operators...

Страница 15: ...while loosening nut Located on lift arms WARNING Read manual for service To prevent cuts do not turn reel by hand Use socket wrench or Turf Groomer knob to turn reel Located on reel frame 4181860 WAR...

Страница 16: ...e 4 6 a b i o d e g r a d a b l e h y d r a u l i c f l u i d O r d e r 5 0 0 3 1 0 5 f o r 5 g a l p a i l U s e o f AT F D e x t r o n I I o r I I I i s a n a p p r o v e d a l t e r n a t e f l u i...

Страница 17: ...IMMEDIATELY A B C D 2812066 8 12 p s i 55 83 kPa 105dB LWA 4141266 3 5 30 30 09 74 4 Brake Reel Switches Wiring Tire Pressure Noise Level Engine Oil Pressure Backlap Switch Ignition Switch Start RUN...

Страница 18: ...Right Reel Center Reel Left Reel Reel Forward Rotation Reel Off Reel Reverse Rotation Parking Brake Disengaged Transport Mow Neutral Reverse Traction Lever Parking Brake Engaged Charging System Fuse I...

Страница 19: ...t they represent Learn the location and purpose of all of the controls and gauges before operating this mower Read Manual Off Run Start Engine Fast Slow Engine Throttle Forward Reverse Reel Rotation F...

Страница 20: ...Volt Meter F Ignition Switch G Mechanics Backlap Switch H Light Switch Optional J Lights Fuse Optional K Charging Circuit Fuse L Interlock System Fuse M Parking Brake Light N Oil Pressure Light P Thr...

Страница 21: ...restarting engine P Throttle Regulates Engine Speed Push Lever forward to increase or pull lever back to decrease engine speed R Fuse Glow Plug 40 Amp fuse protecting glow plug circuit S Glow Plug Swi...

Страница 22: ...to run during tests 5 or 6 3 Refer to the chart below for each test and follow the check 4 marks across the chart Shut engine off between each test Test 1 Represents normal starting procedure The ope...

Страница 23: ...bstruction or if the machine begins to vibrate abnormally Have the equipment repaired before resuming operation 10 Slow down and use extra care on hillsides Read Section 6 7 Use caution when operating...

Страница 24: ...15 seconds 6 Allow the engine to become warm and properly lubricated before operating at high RPM Figure 6A 6 5 STOPPING PARKING _____________________________________________________ To stop Remove y...

Страница 25: ...traction and steering control 1 If the mower tends to slide or the tires begin to mark the turf angle mower into a less steep grade until traction is regained or tire marking stops 2 If mower continu...

Страница 26: ...Inches with 1 Yard Level A Millimeters with 1 Meter Level A Slope in Degrees Slope Grade 3 4 8 8 3 100 5 7 10 0 150 8 5 15 6 9 5 16 7 200 11 3 20 0 7 5 11 8 20 8 225 12 7 22 5 9 250 14 25 0 275 15 4...

Страница 27: ...ch successive pass should overlap the previous one by a few inches 6 After all of the straight passes have been made make one final pass around the outer edge of the green This final pass should alway...

Страница 28: ...towed slowly short distances Use care when loading and unloading mower Fasten mower to trailer to prevent mower from rolling or shifting during transport Before towing raise cutting units If cutting...

Страница 29: ...n the engine is running or while the engine is hot b Do not smoke when handling fuel Never fill or drain the tank indoors c Never overfill or allow the tank to become empty Do not spill fuel Clean any...

Страница 30: ...t shown on the lubrication chart apply several drops of SAE 30 oil every 40 hours or as required 5 Grease roller fittings F every 100 hours and coat cam surfaces and pins of swivel housing J every 50...

Страница 31: ...g 55 gal 208 liter drum IV Capacity 3qt 2 8 l 50 50 water ethylene glycol mix Recommended Service and Lubrication Intervals Every 8 10 Hours Every 50 Hours Every 100 Hours Every 250 Hours Every 400 Ho...

Страница 32: ...on to the engine manufacturer s directions will assure maximum service life of the engine To order a replacement Engine Manual contact the engine manufacturer The proper break in of a new engine can m...

Страница 33: ...the filter increases the risk of injecting dust and other impurities into the engine When service is required first clean the outside of the filter housing then remove the old element as gently as po...

Страница 34: ...nt caps and terminal covers in place Check the electrolyte level every 100 hours Keep the cable ends battery and battery posts clean Verify battery polarity before connecting or disconnecting the batt...

Страница 35: ...Read the Battery and Charger s manual for specific instructions 2 Whenever possible remove the battery from the mower before charging If battery is not sealed check that the electrolyte covers the pl...

Страница 36: ...lure 8 11 HYDRAULIC OIL __________________________________________________________ Refer to Section 7 3 for specific maintenance intervals The hydraulic reservoir is filled with Jacobsen GreensCare 46...

Страница 37: ...harging circuit 6 Do not wash or pressure spray around electrical connections and components 8 14 MUFFLER AND EXHAUST___________________________________________________ To protect from carbon monoxide...

Страница 38: ...to clean engine and radiator fins 2 Use only fresh water for cleaning your equipment 3 Do not spray water directly at the instrument panel ignition switch or any other electrical components or at bea...

Страница 39: ...wise to open 4 Turn backlap key to backlap position and start the engine Adjust throttle to minimum RPM a Engage lever for reel to be backlapped Keep the other levers in the OFF position b Slowly clos...

Страница 40: ...a cool dry place 2 Check and recharge battery every 60 to 90 days while in storage 3 Store batteries in a cool dry place To reduce the self discharge rate room temperature should not be above 80 F 27...

Страница 41: ...If wear or damage is beyond the point where the reel or bedknife can be corrected by the lapping process they must be reground 4 Proper reel to bedknife adjustment is critical A gap of 0 001 to 0 003...

Страница 42: ...ength of the reel when the paper is held at 90 to the bedknife Figure 9C 9 4 CUTTING HEIGHT _________________________________________________________ Note Always make the reel to bedknife adjustment b...

Страница 43: ...ce no end play between components Continue to tighten nut until next slot in nut aligns with hole in bedknife adjuster rod T Install new cotter pin Check torque required to rotate adjuster rod T Maxim...

Страница 44: ...se to the floorboard check the amount of brake lining left a Replace lining b Adjust nut F to obtain a distance of 3 5 16 in 8 4 cm between rod pivot points when brakes are new and to compress spring...

Страница 45: ...position and number of washers P for proper alignment The lever must engage Neutral start switch in NEUTRAL position only Figure 9K 9 13 REEL CONTROL___________________________________________________...

Страница 46: ...bove the ground If they are not level with the ground adjust torsion spring Z 2 Carefully loosen spring mounting clamp and slowly turn clamp until implement is level Tighten clamp securely Figure 9N 9...

Страница 47: ...uld be 7 16 to 9 16 in 1 11 to 1 42 cm 2 Loosen nut V then grip the very end of the cylinder rod close to the adjusting nut point W and turn until spacing is correct Tighten nut V 3 Loosen nut X on th...

Страница 48: ...9 ADJUSTMENTS 48 7 Engine drain plug 22 ft lb 29 7 N m...

Страница 49: ...Nm 75 8 4 100 11 3 107 12 1 143 16 1 9 16 18 ft lb Nm 92 124 122 165 129 174 172 233 1 4 28 in lb Nm 85 9 6 115 13 0 120 13 5 163 18 4 5 8 11 ft lb Nm 113 153 151 204 159 215 211 286 5 16 18 in lb Nm...

Страница 50: ...d bleed fuel lines 2 Interlocks not set before leaving operator s seat 2 Engage parking brake set reel levers to OFF and set traction lever to Neutral before leaving seat Engine overheating 1 Coolant...

Страница 51: ...o Bedknife Contact 6 Height of Cut HOC 7 Roller and Roller Bearing Condition 11 2 WASHBOARDING__________________________________________________________ NOTE Arrow indicates direction of travel Washbo...

Страница 52: ...of varying cutting heights resulting in a wave like cut appearance In most cases the wave tip to tip distance is 2 in 5 cm or less Probable Cause Remedy Mowing ground speed is too fast Reduce mowing g...

Страница 53: ...eight of cut settings are different from one side of a reel to the other or from one cutting unit to another Check HOC adjustment of cutting units Worn front roller bearings Check replace front roller...

Страница 54: ...even brown patch This is usually caused by an excessively low height of cut HOC setting and or uneven turf Probable Cause Remedy HOC height of cut settings are lower than normal Check adjust the HOC s...

Страница 55: ...e Remedy Bedknife improperly adjusted Adjust reel to bedknife setting Dull reel or bedknife cutting edges Sharpen or replace reel blade and bedknife as necessary Mowing ground speed is too fast Reduce...

Страница 56: ...or unevenly worn reel Inspect reel Replace as needed Loose or missing bedknife fasteners Check bedknife screws Tighten loose screws replace missing screws Turning too aggressively Cutting units don t...

Страница 57: ...posit of clippings concentrated at one end of cutting unit s or between two cutting units forming a line in the direction of travel Probable Cause Remedy Grass is too tall Mow more often Mowing while...

Страница 58: ...ife and reel Sharpen or replace reel and bedknife as necessary Missing loose or overtorqued bedknife screws Install replace or tighten bedknife screws to proper torque setting Mowing ground speed is t...

Страница 59: ...NOTES 12 59 12 NOTES...

Страница 60: ...s Jacobsen Limited West Road Ransomes Europark Ipswich IP3 9TT English Company Registration No 1070731 www ransomesjacobsen com North South America Jacobsen A Textron Company 11108 Quality Drive Charl...
