Jacobsen 63280 PGM 22 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12



Signature of the person empowered to draw up the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer, holds the technical documentation and is authorised to 

compile the technical file, and who is established in the Community.

Подпис на човека, упълномощен да състави декларацията от името на производителя, който поддържащ

техническата документация и е оторизиран да изготви техническия файл и е регистриран в общността.

Podpis osoby oprávněné sestavit prohlášení jménem výrobce, držet technickou dokumentaci a osoby oprávněné

sestavit technické soubory a založené v rámci Evropského společenství.

Underskrift af personen, der har fuldmagt til at udarbejde erklæringen på vegne af producenten, der er indehaver

af dokumentationen og er bemyndiget til at udarbejde den tekniske journal, og som er baseret i nærområdet.

Handtekening van de persoon die bevoegd is de verklaring namens de fabrikant te tekenen, de technische

documentatie bewaart en bevoegd is om het technische bestand samen te stellen, en die is gevestigd in het Woongebied.

Ühenduse registrisse kantud isiku allkiri, kes on volitatud tootja nimel deklaratsiooni koostama, kes omab tehnilist

dokumentatsiooni ja kellel on õigus koostada tehniline toimik.

Sen henkilön allekirjoitus, jolla on valmistajan valtuutus vakuutuksen laadintaan, jolla on hallussaan tekniset

asiakirjat, joka on valtuutettu laatimaan tekniset asiakirjat ja joka on sijoittautunut yhteisöön.

Signature de la personne habilitée à rédiger la déclaration au nom du fabricant, à détenir la documentation

technique, à compiler les fichiers techniques et qui est implantée dans la Communauté.

Unterschrift der Person, die berechtigt ist, die Erklärung im Namen des Herstellers abzugeben, die die

technischen Unterlagen aufbewahrt und berechtigt ist, die technischen Unterlagen zusammenzustellen,

und die in der Gemeinschaft niedergelassen ist.

Υπογραφή ατόμου εξουσιοδοτημένου για την σύνταξη της δήλωσης εκ μέρους του κατασκευαστή, ο οποίος

κατέχει την τεχνική έκθεση και έχει την εξουσιοδότηση να ταξινομήσει τον τεχνικό φάκελο και ο οποίος είναι διορισμένος στην Κοινότητα.

A gyártó nevében meghatalmazott személy, akinek jogában áll módosítania a nyilatkozatot, a műszaki

dokumentációt őrzi, engedéllyel rendelkezik a műszaki fájl összeállításához, és aki a közösségben letelepedett személy.

Firma della persona autorizzata a redigere la dichiarazione a nome del fabbricante, in possesso Della

documentazione tecnica ed autorizzata a costituire il fascicolo tecnico, che deve essere stabilita nella Comunità.

Tās personas paraksts, kura ir pilnvarota deklarācijas sastādīšanai ražotāja vārdā, kurai ir tehniskā

dokumentācija, kura ir pilnvarota sagatavot tehnisko reģistru un kura ir apstiprināta Kopienā.

Asmuo, kuris yra gana žinomas, kuriam gamintojas suteikė įgaliojimus sudaryti šią deklaraciją, ir kuris ją

pasirašė, turi visą techninę informaciją ir yra įgaliotas sudaryti techninės informacijos dokumentą.

Il-firma tal-persuna awtorizzata li tfassal id-dikjarazzjoni f’isem il-fabbrikant, għandha d-dokumentazzjoni

teknika u hija awtorizzata li tikkompila l-fajl tekniku u li hija stabbilita fil-Komunità.

Podpis osoby upoważnionej do sporządzenia deklaracji w imieniu producenta, przechowującej dokumentację

techniczną, upoważnioną do stworzenia dokumentacji technicznej oraz wyznaczonej ds. wspólnotowych.

Assinatura da pessoa com poderes para emitir a declaração em nome do fabricante, que possui a documentação

técnica, que está autorizada a compilar o processo técnico e que está estabelecida na Comunidade.

Semnătura persoanei împuternicite să elaboreze declaraţia în numele producătorului, care deţine documentaţia

tehnică, este autorizată să compileze dosarul tehnic şi este stabilită în Comunitate.

Podpis osoby poverenej vystavením vyhlásenia v mene výrobcu, ktorá má technickú dokumentáciu a je

oprávnená spracovať technické podklady a ktorá je umiestnená v Spoločenstve.

Podpis osebe, pooblaščene za izdelavo izjave v imenu proizvajalca, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo in lahko

sestavlja spis tehnične dokumentacije, ter ima sedež v Skupnosti.

Firma de la persona responsable de la declaración en nombre del fabricante, que posee la documentación técnica

y está autorizada para recopilar el archivo técnico y que está establecido en la Comunidad.

Undertecknas av den som bemyndigad att upprätta deklarationen å tillverkarens vägnar, innehar den tekniska

dokumentationen och är bemyndigad att sammanställa den tekniska informationen och som är etablerad i

gemenskapen. Undirskrift aðilans sem hefur umboð til að gera yfirlýsinguna fyrir hönd framleiðandans, hefur undir höndum

tæknigögnin og hefur leyfi til að taka saman tækniskýrsluna, og er viðurkenndur innan evrópska efnahagssvæðisins.

Signaturen til personen som har fullmakt til å utferdige erklæringen på vegne av produsenten, er i besittelse av den

tekniske dokumentasjonen, har autorisasjon til å utarbeide den tekniske filen og som har tilhold i EU.


Undirskrift starfsmanns sem hefur heimild til að rita yfirlýsinguna fyrir hendi framleiðandans, hefur umsjón með tæknigögnum og hefur heimild til að setja 

saman tæknilega skýrslu og sem er tengdur inn í samfélagið.


제조자를 대신하여 선언서를 작성하도록 위임받은 서명자는 기술 문서를 보유하고 기술 자료 수집의 허가를 받았으며 지역 공동체 내에 속해 있습니다

İmalatçı adına beyanı hazırlama yetkisi olan, teknik dokümantasyonu elinde bulunduran ve teknik dosyayı derleme yetkisine sahip, Topluluk içinde 

yerleşik kişinin imzası.

Підпис особи, що уповноважена укласти декларацію від імені виробника, має технічну документацію, уповноважена укласти технічний паспорт і 

має добру репутацію в суспільстві.

2006/42/EC Annex II 1.A.2

Christian D. Clifford

Senior Engineering Manager

Ransomes Jacobsen Limited

West Road, Ransomes Europark,

Ipswich, IP3 9TT, England

2006/42/EC Annex II 1.A.10

Derek Mookhoek

Director of Engineering

Jacobsen, A Textron Company

11524 Wilmar Blvd,

Charlotte, NC 28273, USA

Certificate Number ▪ Номер на сертификат ▪ Číslo osvědčení ▪ Certifikatnummer ▪ Certificaatnummer ▪ Sertifikaadi number ▪ Hyväksyntänumero ▪ 

Numéro de certificat ▪ Bescheinigungsnummer ▪ Αριθμός Πιστοποιητικού ▪ Hitelesítési szám ▪ Numero del certificato ▪ Sertifikāta numurs ▪ Sertifikato 

numeris ▪ Numru taċ-Ċertifikat ▪ Numer certyfikatu ▪ Número do Certificado ▪ Număr certificat ▪ Číslo osvedčenia ▪ Številka certifikata ▪ Número de 

certificado ▪ Certifikatsnummer ▪ Númer skírteinis ▪ Sertifikatnummer ▪ 证书编号  ▪  Skírteinisnúmer ▪ 認証番号  ▪ 인증 번호  ▪ Sertifika Numarası ▪ 

Номер сертифіката

4131595 Rev B







































































Содержание 63280 PGM 22

Страница 1: ...rrectly used this machine can cause severe injury Those who use and maintain this machine should be trained in its proper use warned of its dangers and should read the entire manual before attempting...

Страница 2: ...to State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm FOREWORD Suggested Stocking Guide To Keep your Equipment fully operational and productive Jacobsen suggests you main...

Страница 3: ...3 Operating Procedures 19 6 4 Starting Stopping Engine 20 6 5 Transport Wheels Optional Kit 62293 21 6 6 Grass Catcher 21 6 7 Mowing 22 6 8 Daily Maintenance 23 7 Adjustments 7 1 General 24 7 2 Reel T...

Страница 4: ...ir cleaner indicator Fuel is flammable Use caution when you add the fuel to the mower e Operate the mower in daylight or in good artificial light Use caution when you operate the mower during bad weat...

Страница 5: ...he vibration that is not normal inspect the mower for damage and make repairs q Decrease the throttle setting before you stop the engine r Do not use this equipment for uses that the mower was not mad...

Страница 6: ...s that move Do not adjust the mower with the engine in operation unless the adjustment needs the engine in operation l Carefully release the pressure from components with stored energy m Keep the mowe...

Страница 7: ...By following all instructions in this manual you will prolong the life of your machine and maintain its maximum efficiency Adjustments and maintenance should always be performed by a qualified technic...

Страница 8: ...10 ethanol Under no circumstances should you use a blend with methanol Engine Oil Capacity 5 8 qt 0 6 l Type SAE 10W 30 API Classifi cation SF or SG 2 3 MOWER _________________________________________...

Страница 9: ...Lapping Compound 120 grit 5002489 10 Pound Pail 5002491 25 Pound Pail Light Kit 5002962 Orange Paint 12 oz spray 554598 Push Brush 68500 Smooth Roller with Scraper 68530 Soft Touch Rotary Brush Requi...

Страница 10: ...Motor Motor Motor V l Motor Aflv l Motor Honda GX 120 Gas Net Installed Power ist instalovan v kon Installeret nettoeffekt Netto ge nstalleerd vermogen Installeeritud netov imsus Asennettu nettoteho P...

Страница 11: ...Nivelul zgomotului la urechea operatorului Hladina hluku p sobiaca na sluch oper tora Raven hrupa pri u esu upravljavca Nivel sonoro en el o do del operador Ljudniv vid f rarens ra H va astig fyrir s...

Страница 12: ...ura da pessoa com poderes para emitir a declara o em nome do fabricante que possui a documenta o t cnica que est autorizada a compilar o processo t cnico e que est estabelecida na Comunidade Semn tura...

Страница 13: ...vice was rotating with the machine stationary The Machinery Safety Directive 2006 42 EC By compliance to The Lawnmower Standard EN836 1997 Referenced to Hand Arm BS EN ISO20643 2008 Information Suppli...

Страница 14: ...ever carry passengers 6 Keep bystanders away 361854 To avoid serious bodily injury stop engine and disengage reels before working on mower or emptying baskets DANGER 3001235 1 No opere esta maquina si...

Страница 15: ...PECTION _______________________________________________________ 1 Perform a visual inspection of the entire unit look for signs of wear loose hardware and components that may have been damaged during...

Страница 16: ...rn engine to idle The bail must be disengaged to start the engine D Engine Switch The engine switch enables and disables the ignition system The engine switch must be in the ON position for the engine...

Страница 17: ...alve lever must be in the ON position for the engine to run When the engine is not in use leave the fuel valve lever in the OFF position to prevent carburetor flooding and to reduce the possibility of...

Страница 18: ...n engine stop E Stop switch that will stop the engine from the operator s position 2 To test the system a Place mower on the kickstand b Disengage the reel clutch lever E 3 Start the engine a Slide ba...

Страница 19: ...ent 9 Disengage the reel clutch to stop blades when not mowing 10 Disengage the reel clutch when crossing paths or roadways Look out for traffic 11 Stop and inspect the equipment for damage immediatel...

Страница 20: ...p back into the starter Do not tilt the mower back when starting 7 When engine starts move choke lever F to the OPEN position Intermittent choking may be required while engine is cold 8 Allow engine t...

Страница 21: ...and start the engine and engage the O P C bail C 6 When using a vehicle to transport the mower apply parking brake stop engine and close fuel shut off valve Chock or block the wheels 7 Keep tires infl...

Страница 22: ...ht start by turning mower slightly to the left 2 When the mower has moved approximately 1 2 its own width to the left swing it around quickly to the right 3 and 4 guiding the mower with your right han...

Страница 23: ...inside the fuel filler neck Avoid using cans and funnels to transfer fuel 5 Store fuel according to local state or federal ordinances and recommendations from your fuel supplier 6 Check the engine oil...

Страница 24: ...a standard flat file to dress the bedknife 3 If wear or damage is beyond the point where the reel or bedknife can be corrected by the lapping process they must be reground 4 Proper reel to bedknife a...

Страница 25: ...heck adjustment When the reel to bedknife is properly adjusted the reel will spin freely and will cut a piece of newspaper along the full length of the reel when the paper is held at 90 to the bedknif...

Страница 26: ...e of the screw head P then tighten wing nut to lock the adjustment 4 Place gauge bar between front roller and traction roller near the outer end of the rollers 5 Slide screw head over bedknife Q and a...

Страница 27: ...m 75 8 4 100 11 3 107 12 1 143 16 1 9 16 18 ft lb Nm 92 124 122 165 129 174 172 233 1 4 28 in lb Nm 85 9 6 115 13 0 120 13 5 163 18 4 5 8 11 ft lb Nm 113 153 151 204 159 215 211 286 5 16 18 in lb Nm 1...

Страница 28: ..._ IMPORTANT A separate Engine Manual prepared by the engine manufacturer is supplied with this machine Read the engine manual carefully until you are familiar with the operation and maintenance of the...

Страница 29: ...t is highly flammable Use an approved container the spout must fit inside the fuel filler neck Avoid using cans and funnels to transfer fuel Store fuel according to local state or federal ordinances a...

Страница 30: ...to bedknife as described in Section 7 3 3 Disengage reel clutch and tip machine back to rest on the handle 4 Remove shaft cover and gasket from left side of reel Assemble a 3 8 24 bolt and locknut to...

Страница 31: ...rankcase Install drain plug and refill with fresh oil Torque drain plug to 22 ft lb 30 Nm 2 Clean exterior of engine Paint the exposed metal or apply a light coat of rust preventative oil 3 To prevent...

Страница 32: ...en valve See Engine Manual Turn on switch Engine hard to start or runs erratically stalls looses power or stops Choke in wrong position Fuel leaks Dirty or incorrect fuel Loose wiring Air intake plugg...

Страница 33: ...Inspection and Lubrication Intervals Daily 20 50 100 300 Yearly Lubricant Air Cleaner I C Combustion Chamber C Engine Oil I R R I Fuel Line R 2 yrs Spark Plug A R Valve Clearance A Grease Locations F...

Страница 34: ...9 NOTES 34 9 NOTES...

Страница 35: ...on the name plate or serial plate of your product 4 Order by the quantity desired the part number and description of the part as given in the parts list 5 Send or bring the order to an authorized Jac...


Страница 37: ...ezas en movimiento 5 No deberan transportar pasajeros si no existe un asiento para ellos 6 Si no sabe leer ingles pida que aiguien le lea las calcomanias de avisos y los manuales de instruccion y oper...

Страница 38: ...38 A A B B C C 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 PGM 2 1 Handle and Controls Serial No All...

Страница 39: ...900 1 Left Side Torsion Spring 18 2809901 1 Right Side Torsion Spring 19 4117380 1 Right Side Handle Stop 20 4117381 1 Left Side Handle Stop 21 446130 4 Lockwasher 1 4 Heavy 22 4147697 1 Cover Front 2...

Страница 40: ...40 8 9 10 11 18 4 3 4 5 6 7 18 20 1 2 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 PGM 3 1 Left Chain Cover Serial No All...

Страница 41: ...6110 2 Lockwasher 8 Medium 10 304758 1 Cover 11 304757 1 Gasket 12 434041 4 Screw 1 4 20 x 3 4 Flat Soc Hd 13 1001309 1 Bracket L H Brake Mounting 14 313777 1 Seal Oil 15 3002906 7 1 Housing Bearing 1...

Страница 42: ...42 17 8 7 37 36 23 24 21 20 18 34 24 39 35 33 32 22 31 31 30 30 26 27 5 2 15 16 38 25 6 13 12 14 1 28 29 19 5 4 11 10 9 40 3 PGM 4 1 Left Side Frame Serial No All...

Страница 43: ...461173 1 Pin 5 32 x 1 Groove Type 1 20 503448 1 Sprocket Reel 21 304743 1 Bushing 22 304745 1 Washer 23 304746 1 Clutch Reel 24 463113 2 Key 3 4 x 3 16 Morton 25 1004944 1 Guide Chain 26 2500020 1 Pla...

Страница 44: ...44 8 9 6 5 1 2 4 7 21 13 20 19 18 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PGM 5 1 Right Side Frame Serial No All...

Страница 45: ...itting Grease 9 471214 1 Fitting Grease 10 363047 1 Spring Tension 11 453020 1 Flat Washer 5 8 12 444713 1 Locknut 5 8 16 Center Jam 13 304747 2 Gasket 14 348847 1 Cover Reel Bearing 15 446130 4 Lockw...

Страница 46: ...10 503477 22 High Profile 503478 22 Low Profile 503479 22 Tournament 5002887 22 Special Tournament Standard Bedknife Options 4131369 22 High Profile 4131001 22 Low Profile 4131370 22 Tournament 413100...

Страница 47: ...2 Flat Head 20 365502 1 Screw L H Bedknife Mounting Apply Never Sieze to bolt 21 365501 1 Screw R H Bedknife Mounting Apply Never Sieze to bolt 22 454017 2 Washer Shakeproof Cone 23 332516 2 Rod Bedk...

Страница 48: ...48 1 2 3 32 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 31 15 17 18 21 23 29 24 25 26 19 Throttle Cable Installation 20 22 Part of Engine Part of Engine 27 16 27 28 29 PGM 7 1 Engine and Clutch Serial No All...

Страница 49: ...3 1 Key 1 2 x 1 8 Woodruff 14 503532 1 Engine 4HP Honda 15 320774 1 Key 3 16 x1 1 2 Square 16 4108643 1 Spring Throttle Plate 17 4135990 1 Torque Clutch Engages at 2000 RPM 18 4245695 1 Clutch Shaft P...

Страница 50: ...50 10 8 7 4 2 3 1 6 5 21 20 5 6 3 2 4 7 9 11 12 8 13 14 15 16 15 11 17 18 19 PGM 8 1 Traction Rollers Serial No All...

Страница 51: ...ust 7 103862 2 Housing Differential 8 308033 2 Bushing 9 400059 6 Screw 10 24 x 5 8 Hex Socket 10 444782 6 Locknut 10 24 Center 11 338394 2 Hub Roller 12 471214 2 FItting Grease 13 400190 6 Screw 5 16...

Страница 52: ...52 17 14 15 12 13 10 20 21 11 5 5 3 18 19 23 16 2 3 1 4 6 7 8 9 22 22 PGM 9 1 Transport Wheels Serial No All...

Страница 53: ...8 361451 1 Washer 9 164056 2 Band Brake 10 366742 2 Pin Brake Band 11 415513 2 Screw 1 4 20 x 1 2 Socket Set 12 461389 2 Pin 7 32 x 1 1 4 Roll 13 3004621 2 Sleeve Clutch 62293 1 Pneumatic Transport Ti...

Страница 54: ...366708 39 366716 53 366718 53 366719 53 366742 53 400102 41 400106 47 400108 49 400184 47 400190 51 400194 49 400218 49 400262 39 400266 47 400268 39 403528 41 403912 43 4108643 49 4117380 39 4117381...

Страница 55: ...55 INDEX 503478 2 503479 2 503532 49 62293 53...

Страница 56: ...s Jacobsen Limited West Road Ransomes Europark Ipswich IP3 9TT English Company Registration No 1070731 www ransomesjacobsen com North South America Jacobsen A Textron Company 11108 Quality Drive Charl...
