D) Side Burner/Side Shelf Installation:
1. Carefully remove the rotisserie kit parts and the side burner assembly from the packaging.
2. Loosen two 5/1
6” nuts on LH side of pedestal and turn out two full revolutions. (Fig. 4)
3. Remove 5 x Phillips screws (4 on the side panel and one on the side of the console; Fig. 5 & 6). Discard the
temporary console hold down strap. Screws must be retained for installing the side burner.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
4. Install Side Burner onto LH side of grill, by capturing the two 5/1
6” bolts that were loosened earlier. The two bolts
fit into
‘keyhole slots’ located on the RH lip of the Side Burner.
5. While the Side Burner is hanging in place, re-install and tighten the 5 Philips screws removed earlier (Fig. 7).
6. Tighten the two bolts previously backed off two revolutions (Fig. 8). (NOTE; do not over-tighten; breakage risk!)
Apply anti-seize grease to the threads of
any screw or bolt before reinstalling, This
will greatly simplify future service work.
Figure 7
Figure 8