2) Disconnected cylinders must have threaded valve plugs tightly installed and must not be stored in a building,
garage or any other enclosed area.
3) Enclosures for LP-gas supply cylinders shall be ventilated by openings at the level of the cylinder valve and at
floor level. The effectiveness of the opening(s) for the purposes of ventilation shall be determined with the
LP-gas supply cylinder(s) in place. This shall be accomplished by one of the following:
a) One side of the enclosure shall be completely open; or
b) For an enclosure having four (4) side, a top and a bottom:
1. At least two (2) ventilation openings at cylinder valve level shall be provided in the side wall, equally sized, spaced at 180 degrees
(3.14 rad), and unobstructed. Each opening shall have a total free area of not less than 1⁄2 square inch per pound (3.2 sq.
cm/kg) of stored fuel capacity and not less than a total free area of 10 square inches (64.5 sq. cm).
2. Ventilation opening(s) shall be provided at floor level and shall have a total free area of not less than 1⁄2 square inch per pound
(3.2 sq. cm/kg) of stored fuel capacity and not less than a total free area of 10 square inches (64.5 sq. cm). If ventilation
openings at floor level are in a sidewall, there shall be at least two (2) openings. The bottom of the openings shall be at floor
level and the upper edge no more than 5 inches (127 mm) above the floor. The openings shall be equally sized, spaced at 180
degrees (3.14 rad), and unobstructed.
3. Every opening shall have minimum dimensions so as to permit the entrance or a 1⁄8 inch (3.2 mm) diameter rod.
The cylinder’s valve shall be readily accessible for hand operation. A door on the enclosure to gain access to
the cylinder valves is acceptable, provided it is non-locking and can be opened without the use of tools.
There shall be a minimum clearance of 2 inches (50.8 mm) between the lower surface of the floor of the
LP-gas supply cylinder enclosure and the ground.
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