Engine Overhaul Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
Jabiru 2200 & 3300 Aircraft Engines
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6 7
Dated : 28/10/2014
Issued By: AS
Page: 63 of 201
5.10 Subassembly B
– Crankcase, camshaft and oil pump
5.10.1 Crankcase Mandatory updates
Figure 68
– Rear Cam Journal Oil Feed
Figure 69
– Fuel Pump Oil Drain
Check under the fuel pump drive rod for the presence of an oil return hole through the crankcase wall.
If a hole is not present then position the fuel pump spacer over the stud holes, mark a position near the
bottom of the cavity and drill a 1/8” hole through the crankcase wall as arrowed in the photos above.
Radius each side of the hole and clean away any drilling debris.
Very old 2200 engines did not have a
“strainer” fitted to the oil pump pickup. For these engines a
strainer must be fitted at overhaul
– this may also require fitting a new oil pump pickup tube. Optional Updates
For hydraulic lifter engines the oil return manifolds shown in Figure 56 can be retrofitted. These parts
improve the oil flow from the rocker chamber in the cylinder head back into the sump. Note that to use
these parts shorter pushrod cover tubes are also required.
Contact Jabiru Aircraft or our local representative for more information Mandatory Discard
In any case where fretting is found all engine through-bolts and studs must be replaced with new items.
This is because fretting is a sign of stress within the crankshaft assembly components and means that
the through-bolts and studs may have been subjected to excessively high loads and fatigue damage.
Rear cam journal in the bottom of the left crankcase
2mm wide oil channel
Check the rear camshaft bearing in either
case half
– there should be an oil channel
2mm wide and 2mm deep running from the
rear main bearing oilway to the rear cam
bearing as shown at right.
If this channel is not present it must be cut into
a case half at this time (only 1 case needs to
be modified
– not both).
Clean the case thoroughly after any such
Rear of the right hand crankcase, behind the back cylinder