For Your Safe Flight
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Scanner® Display Basics
The EDM Scanner section is located in the lower left area of the screen.
It consists of a graphical display of EGT and CHT (and TIT if so
equipped) and a digital display that automatically scans the various
parameters. You can select Manual Mode by tapping STEP to lock onto
the parameter of interest. To return to Automatic scan mode, tap LF
followed by tapping STEP.
Lean Find Basics
Simply pre-lean, tap the
button (Lean Find) and begin
leaning. The EDM will assist
you in finding the first cylinder
to peak. This example is for
Rich of Peak. See page 21
for a more detailed
description of leaning.
1. Establish cruise at approximately 65 to 75% power and pre-lean the
mixture to 50°F estimated rich of peak EGT on any cylinder.
2. Wait about 30 seconds, then tap the
3. Begin leaning the mixture smoothly
without stopping
. Turn the
Vernier about ¼ turn per second; retract the non-Vernier or quadrant
lever so that EGT rises about 10°F per second.
4. Stop leaning when you see
for two seconds, followed by
for example
13.8. The EGT number is the current
temperature of the first EGT to peak and the FF number is the
current fuel flow.
5. Now tap the
button to display the EGT difference from peak
which is very useful for setting desired degrees below peak.
6. Slowly enrich the mixture noting that the EGT difference diminishes
as EGT climbs back to peak, followed by it going minus again. Stop
enriching at the desired EGT difference (such as ‘EGT -
7. You can also see what the peak EGT was by holding the
8. Tap
to exit the Lean Find Mode.