System Operation Manual - IZIP E3 Metro
Riding and use
Be sure to read the “Electric Bikes” section of your IZIP owner’s manual, and specifically pay attention to the section on
“Riding an electric bike”, before you ride for the first time.
Getting ready to ride
First turn the bike on, following the instructions on the following page.
Mount the bicycle. Be sure you don’t accidentally twist the throttle, or turn the pedals; this could cause the bike to accelerate
Riding the bike
Using the motor
The purpose of the E3 Metro’s motor is to gently augment the effort you put into riding.
There are two assist modes, which offer different ways to control the motor: Power-On-Demand (POD) and Pedal Assist
(PAS). See the following page for more information on changing between modes.
PAS (Pedal Assist) mode
In PAS mode, the motor will assist you as soon as you begin pedaling the bike. You can choose how much assist the motor
gives by setting the assist level. If you do not pedal, no power is sent to the motor. Ceasing pedaling during the ride will cause
the motor to turn off. Motor power will be restarted when the rider begins pedaling again.
Assist levels control
how much
power the motor will add to your pedaling. In PAS mode, the assist level is shown on the
display, and can be changed at any time using the + or – buttons. Levels 1–4 are increasing levels of automatic motor assist.
Level 1 gives the least assistance; level 4 gives the most.
The throttle can be used to override the automatic assist, as long as the rider is pedaling. The throttle is never affected by
assist level; using the throttle, you always have control of up to 100% of the motor’s power.
POD (Power On Demand) mode
In POD mode, automatic motor assist is disabled, and the throttle alone is used to control the level of assistance; power is
available whether you pedal or not, and there are no assist levels.