S3F8S5A Development Kit
User Manual
Figure 1 shows the contents of the S3F8S5A Development Kit.
The S3F8S5A Development Kit includes the following key items.
S3F8S5A Development Board, which contains the following features:
S3F8S5A 44-pin QFP MCU operating at 12 MHz, with 48KB of internal Flash
memory and 1 KB of internal RAM memory
USB interface to supply power to the board
LCD module
UART header at J8
256 byte Serial EEPROM
Test Points headers for all pins of MCU
MCU current measurement Test Points J4 and J5
Pin P03/AD3 level adjustable with potentiometer R4
S3 Flash In-System Programmer II
ZDS II software, samples, and documentation available free for download
Sample programs
Figure 1. The S3F8S5A Development Kit