Generic Mode Network and Device Communication
52 (62)
Error Messages
Error message
E 1 Unknown command
Invalid command or message type is received.
E 2 Wrong parameter
Parameter of a command is invalid.
E 3 Unsupported command
Received command is not supported.
E 4 Unsupported parameter
Parameter of a command is not supported.
E 11 Wrong message type
Invalid message type is received (valid: Standard or
E 12 Wrong frame type
Invalid frame type is received (valid: data or remote).
E 13 Wrong data length
Invalid data length is received (valid: 0–8).
E 14 Wrong message ID
Invalid ID is received (valid: 0–7FF or 0–1FFFFFFF).
E 15 Wrong number of data bytes
Number of data bytes does not match the data length.
E 21 Unknown Bus Coupling value
Invalid bus coupling value (valid: high).
E 22 Baudrate not supported
Baud rate is not supported. Use a CiA supported baud
E 23 Baudrate not detected
No valid baud rate detected by automatic baud rate
detection within the specified timeout.
E 31 Error while initializing CAN
CAN controller not initialized. Try to initialize again.
E 32 Error starting CAN
CAN controller not started. Try to start again.
E 33 Error stop CAN
CAN controller not stopped. Try to stop again.
E 41 Error adding ID to filer
Out of memory for extended filter elements.
E 51 MAC-list is full
Not possible to add another MAC address.
E 52 Wrong MAC Address
MAC address is invalid (valid: 6 byte hexadecimal) or
MAC address is not in MAC address list.
E 53 MAC Address already exists
MAC address is already used for a connection to a
E 54 Invalid MAC Address range
Address range is invalid. Make sure, that
is higher
E 61 No valid config
No valid configuration to load.
E 63 Error while saving config
Error while saving the configuration. Configuration is
E 81 CAN controller in BUS OFF
CAN controller is in
bus off
E 82 CAN controller in WARNING LEVEL
CAN controller is in
error warning
E 84 Rx SW queue OVERRUN
One or more consecutive CAN messages are lost
because of a software overrun.
E 85 Tx SW queue OVERRUN
One or more consecutive CAN messages are lost
before transmitting by the CAN controller because the
CAN controller is in
bus off
or error
state or
because of slow baud rate.
E 91 Can’t show more
Not all filter elements are shown. Depending on the
free space of the transmitting buffer only a limited
amount of filter elements can be shown with the
E 99 Unknown Error
Internal error occurred. No specific error message
CANblue II User Manual
4.01.0126.20000 EN 3.2