10 (32)
Add-Ons for Customer Specific Expansions
With the Lua Application Development Kit customer specific Lua scripts can be executed on the
CAN@net NTin operational modes Local Bridge or CAN-Eth-CAN bridge. By using the Lua ADK for
handling and processing of communication data the functionality of the standard application can
be expanded.
For more information about the Lua ADK see User Manual
CAN@net NT/CANbridge NT Lua ADK
C-API ixcan
The CAN API for C uses the ASCII protocol interface to access the CAN@net NT. The C-API ixcan
converts the API calls into corresponding ASCII commands according to the ASCII Gateway Mode
of the CAN@net NT. With the application that uses the C-API ixcan the CAN@net NT can be
accessed exclusively or in shared access with a Bridge configuration.
For more information about the C-API ixcan see User Manual
CAN@net NT C-API ixcan
CAN@net NT User Manual
4.01.0332.20000 1.7 en-US