Chapter 4
BIOS Setup
Pow er Management
This feature allows the user to select the default param eters for
the power-saving m ode.
Min Saving:
When idle for one hour,the system enters suspend m ode.
Max Saving:
When idle for fifteen m inutes, the system enters suspend m ode.
U ser D efine
(Default Value):
U ser can specify the tim e the system enters suspend m ode.
PM Control by APM
Setting to enabled, an Advanced P ower Managem ent (AP M)
protocol will be activated to handle the power-saving m ode.
[N O
(Default Value)
This determ ines the IR Q in which the MOD E M can use.
[N A, 3 (D efault Value),4,5,7,9,10,11]
Video Off In Suspend
This determ ines the m anner in which the m onitor is blanked.
[N O , Yes
(Default Value)
Video off Method
V/H SYN C +Blank
(Default Value):
Turn off the vertical and horizontal synchronization ports and write
blanks to the video buffer.
Blank Screen:
Write blanks to the video buffer only.
Initial display power m anagem ent signaling with D P MS.
APM HDD Pow er Dow n Timer
This field specifies the tim e the system enters H D D power down.
It is available only when the P ower Managem ent field is set to
U ser D efine.
12Min,13Min,14Min,15Min, D isabled
(Default Value)