Chapter 4
BIOS Setup
PIO Mode 0
PIO Mode 1
PIO Mode 2
PIO Mode 3
PIO Mode 4
3.3 MB/sec
5.2 MB/sec
8.3 MB/sec
11 MB/sec
16.6 MB/sec
(Default Value)
Mode 0
Mode 1
Mode 2
Mode 3
Mode 4
Negotiated with device automatically
Use Mode 0 timing to access device
Use Mode 1 timing to access device
Use Mode 2 timing to access device
Use Mode 3 timing to access device
Use Mode 4 timing to access device
IDE Primary Master / Slave UDMA
IDE Secondary Master / Slave UDMA
f you select Auto, the ID E controller uses U ltra D MA 33/66 Mode
to access U ltra D MA-capable ID E devices. D epend on the resent
of negociation with your H D D . The m axim um transfer rate of U ltra
D MA 66 Mode is 66.6 MB/sec.
(Default Value)
, D isabled]
Onchip USB port
Select E nabled if your system contains U SB peripherals.
[E nable, D isabled
(Default Value)
USB Keyboard under DOS
Select to E nabled if you want to use U SB keyboard under D OS.
[E nable, D isabled
(Default Value)
Init Display First
This item allows you to decide which slot to activate first, either
P C I slot or AGP slot.
[P C I Slot, AGP
(Default Value)
IDE HDD Block Mode
When enabled, the ID E controller will use the faster block m ode
to access devices.
[E nabled
(Default Value)
, D isabled]